Monday, August 31, 2009

My Love

I know that I tell you
Multiple times a day
That I really love you
More than I know how to say
Thoughts of you fill my heart
Thoughts of you complete my soul
Taking me places
Making me feel whole
What is it about you
That has me so mesmerized
There are so many places to begin
But I will start with your eyes
A feeling of comfort
A feeling of understanding
A warming sense that if I fall
You will be there for my landing
The look on you face
Every time you smile
Especially when you do it for me
Warming my heart all the while
I see your glow
I see you shine
I relish the time
Knowing that you are mine
Where did I go right
What deed is being returned
How did I get so lucky
To have your love earned
The way you love me
Unlike anyone before
So much happiness
Good times galore
These are just a few of the many
Things I can’t live without
But there is one thingI would certainly single out
There is little in life
That makes me feel like I could
As when you put your arms around me
And hug me like you do so good