Wednesday, April 2, 2008

San Fran - Day 2

OK, so not so much to report from Day two.... I was in the office at around 4:15 am Pacific Time... not as hard as you might think... and did my work, and left.... got back to Merle's around 2ish. We chilled for a while and then around 4 left for the ball park. I didn't bring my camera to this game, but now am kind of sorry I didn't. We were right on the line near the foul pole. I mean we were so close that any kind of action and we were on TV.. in fact chances are you may have seen us. So we got there right as BP started and it was really cool watching everyone warm up. Although it took us a little while to get in because I think during our walking tour of San Fran, I twisted my ankle... It was sore all day yesterday, and still bothers me this morning. I hope I am ok to carry my things to the airport... maybe i will leave early... ok back to the game. The game was great, there was that amazing catch on the long fly ball by Varitek by Buck that made the highlight real... Varitek "double to deep right" should have been a homer... the whole section was chanting home run because it was above the line... the umps botched that one.

Then there were these two guys in front of us, had to be in there 50's... really obnoxious, telling Merle and I to go back to Boston, before he realized there were more Sox fans than A's fans around us... then continued to make comments through most of the game make derogatory remarks about the Japanese and claiming Dice-K's father was a pilot who bombed Pearl Harbor... He kept going on, and Merle and I laughed, and then this guy to his left stood up and got in his face calling him a racist, then went back and forth verbally a bit, vulgarity flying, before they eventually sat down... Then the idiot who was making the rude comments went to get security, I mean the nerve of the guy, he was being obnoxious, and then ran and called security on the guy or called him on it. Security came over to talk to the guy, and in a matter of seconds I was up talking to security trying to set him straight... This guy had fed him full of bullshit so he could have the complainer removed. Between myself and a guy in front of him... not to mention most of the Sox fans, came to this guys defense. Before long security was back and in the end simply escorted them to other seats... they were actually closer to the field than the ones they had, and were now behind First Base... c'est la vie.

The game was cool, I think it was the first one I have scored so that was fun. Merle gave me a few pointers on how to do it... Pretty easy once you get going, and makes the game more interesting... Last nights game was pretty short, under 3 hours for a 2-1 game. Not sure why they pulled Dice-K out though, he had less than 100 pitches, was throwing a 2 hitter, just happened one got away for a HR, but he was money the rest of the night...

Let's see what happens tonight... Congrats Dice-K!! Congrats Paps!!!, Go Lester!!!, Go Sox!!!!

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