Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Birthday post

So a couple of scattered things today.... in no particular order

1) I saw a bird yesterday morning as I walked to my car after saying goodbye to my beautiful wife. The bird had a stick in its mouth and flew off to the nest. It occurred to me that while building a family and lives together, it could simple be very similar to building a nest, weaving our emotions in and out of each others, and if twig cracks, we patch it, we get another twig. The whole nest doesn't fall apart. Just a though...

2) Poker sucks, I love it, I hate it, Poker sucks, I think that's all I need to say about that.

3) Next week is Jazz Fest, totally looking forward to it. We will be there 4/24-4/26, Here is a list of some of the bands I will see:

Jon Cleary
George Clinton
Then the tough one - Steel Pulse, Black Crowes, or Lionel Richie (I have seen the Crowes)

Cowboy Mouth?
Better Than Ezra
Simon and Garfunkel

Shawn Colvin
Then another tough one - Allman Brothers, Darius Rucker, Anita Baker, or Jonny Lang (he'd be my first choice i think, but any of these would be cool)

4) Lastly, I have the most wonderful wife ever. Luv u babe

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4-13 Daily Doings

Ok, so I haven't posted in a while, so I though I would update this, and maybe get in the habit of doing it more frequently. My birtyhday is Thursday, and it falls in the "Bermuda Triangle" of birthdays with all my friends. Starting with my beautiful wife on March 24th, and ending with Kim in May, it is crazy.

So last night was weird, I had a dream that I basically stabbed myself in the arm, not with a knife our anything like that, I guess more like a hard poked with a butter knife, nothing too sharp. I got out of bed this morning, and went to the computer to read the scores, see how my fantasy baseball team did, and check Facebook. When I cam back done, Jane asked me if I'd had a nose bleed in my sleep, I went to the bathroom to check when I realized that I had stabbed myself in the arm with my fingernail around 5 am or so. Odd, thought it had been a dream....

The last few weeks have been crazy, between passover and my parents anniversary, we were crazy for the end of March and begining of April. This past weekend was fun though, we went to New York Raceway for those super fast go-carts, I have the fastest lap time in the second race, but only did 19 of the 20 laps because the woman driving in front of me woouldn't get out of the way even though the ref's were waiving her to the side.

This weekend should be fun, Jeff, Steph, and Sky are coming to visit, they will get here Friday night. My friends and I are also going out to Ninja NY, a restaraunt in Tribeca for dinner, should be a blast. Then brunch on Sunday at the Brew House. I can't wait.

I also need to say that I am the luckiest guy ever, because Jane loves me so much, and while I haven't received my birthday gift yet, I know what she got me and it is very exciting, a blu-ray player for us in the living room, and she preordered a video game that I have been waiting for called Red Dead Redemption which should be really cool. I am excited.

After that we head to New Orleans next week for Jazzfest, and then the World Series of Poker for me and Scot in June. Jane and I have been to Foxwoods a bunch in the last few months and played in a few tournaments along the way as I want to get some practice not being a donkey.

So I am thinking I want to get in the habit of updating this more frequently, even if just to post one of my father's really funny (or sometimes really lame) jokes.