Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Birthday post

So a couple of scattered things today.... in no particular order

1) I saw a bird yesterday morning as I walked to my car after saying goodbye to my beautiful wife. The bird had a stick in its mouth and flew off to the nest. It occurred to me that while building a family and lives together, it could simple be very similar to building a nest, weaving our emotions in and out of each others, and if twig cracks, we patch it, we get another twig. The whole nest doesn't fall apart. Just a though...

2) Poker sucks, I love it, I hate it, Poker sucks, I think that's all I need to say about that.

3) Next week is Jazz Fest, totally looking forward to it. We will be there 4/24-4/26, Here is a list of some of the bands I will see:

Jon Cleary
George Clinton
Then the tough one - Steel Pulse, Black Crowes, or Lionel Richie (I have seen the Crowes)

Cowboy Mouth?
Better Than Ezra
Simon and Garfunkel

Shawn Colvin
Then another tough one - Allman Brothers, Darius Rucker, Anita Baker, or Jonny Lang (he'd be my first choice i think, but any of these would be cool)

4) Lastly, I have the most wonderful wife ever. Luv u babe


Anonymous said...

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