Friday, October 12, 2007

Rant - Excerpts from a news story about my posting yesterday from George

Pennsylvania boy planned 'Columbine' event at high school
Police find dozens of weapons in boy's Pennsylvania home

(CNN) -- Police have taken into custody a 14-year-old boy who is suspected of planning a "Columbine" type event at a Pennsylvania high school, a police spokesman said.
Police in Plymouth Township near Philadelphia took the boy into custody after a search of his home turned up a number of weapons, including a 9 mm rifle with a laser scope and dozens of air guns, said Deputy Chief Joe Lawrence.
Police also found an operational hand grenade, three other hand grenades in the process of construction, bomb-making equipment, manuals and 30 powered weapons that fire BBs.
The boy's mother bought the rifle for him several weeks ago at a gun show, police said. No ammunition was found for the rifle.
The grenades were made with plastic casings that authorities believe the boy bought on the Internet, Lawrence said. The operational hand grenades included black powder, BBs and a fuse believed used in fireworks.

"It is my judgment that this individual considered that something to be glorified and was doing so," he said.

full story can be read here:

My thoughts...

The reason I am posting this is because this just goes back to what I said yesterday. The kids a re doing this not wholly, but at least in part because they feel that it is a way to be remembered... Does anyone remember the movie Higher Learning directed by John Singleton?Michael Rapaport's character Remy because a Nazi skinhead who goes on a shooting rampage and is eventually brought down by the police, when they flash back to his Skin head friends they are remembering him over a beer and saying his death represents "White Power" the same mentality holds true here and with any extremist point of view.

Again let's not sensationalize, but use this as an example with the right moves, we can help people to come forward and expose the plots around them... This is not different than what ideally we would like on a larger scale around the world with other forms of terrorism.. and yes the school attacks are terrorism by definition.

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