Monday, October 1, 2007

The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island

First, if you want to check out my Ellis Island pics and Liberty Island pics... click the photo above.

Ok, so Jane and I were joking around when I said I had never been to the Statue of Liberty, and a day was planned... This past Sunday, we spent the day in NYC being tourists... and for the first time, I saw the Status of Liberty, and I must say, Lady Liberty has a great ass... any one ever wonder what she's got on under that dress? Now that I have that out of my system... I must say, I was soooo in awe of what I was seeing, I mean she is huge, and presents a conflicting feeling. She seems very imposing, but yet welcoming which is best stated by Emma Lazarus at the foot of the monument:

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

Undeniably one of the most beautiful monuments I have seen, and I have seen my share. I think next time I go, and there will certainly be a next time, I need to make sure to plan ahead and get a timed tour of the monument's inners. I certainly boarded the Circle Line boat departing Liberty Island in awe of what I had seen only to make my way to an equally impressive island in Ellis Island.

I had to stop when I got to Ellis Island just to appreciate for a second the massive number of people who's dreams were realized by walking through the doors of this building, it wasn't until later i realized how many dreams were shattered when they entered, the forgotten many... apparently, they would split up families... and if they Father was well enough to stay he could stay with the kids, if the father was not, they would send the perfectly healthy mother home too because they did not share the rights of men, it was feared they would become prostitutes if they stayed. Kind of shady... but the place was still amazing... you felt humble walking thorugh the hallways... although Jane and I had gotten a bit tired by the end of Ellis Island...

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