Monday, July 28, 2008

7-20 Day 2 in Ecuador and the Galapagos

7/20 - 7:10 am

So I am at another airport, Waiting for my 8:45 flight to the Galapagos. After blogging last night, I went to bed, or at least tried to. I had a 6am wake up call, but I didn't need it. I slept for maybe an hour or two at most last night. Small room, not very quiet and maybe the elevation, 3000 meters, I think he said, the air feels a little different, heavier, its an odd sensation. So I am hungry and didn't have a clue what to order because everythingon the menu has cheese in it. I spoke with my driver and he said he might be able to get me a 3 hour tour of Quito when I get back. Would love to take some pictures before returning.

9:05 am -> Galapagos bound
Thought--- You ever look out the window on a plane and wonder if you can walk on the clouds?

This just came to me... with what little sleep I had last night, I dreamt that I drove by a burning building with the second floor on fire. I didn't call the fire department, I assumed they were on the way. Instead, I stopped to shoot the fire. It was beautiful, towers of flames, bright red, orange, and white spikes danced in the wind above the building. So beautiful, yet, so destructive. The very essence of man, beautiful creatures that in their ignorance, are horribly destructive.

So now we are in the approach, listening to conversations around me, I really wish I understood Spanish. First impression, more houses and move developed than I expected... more later.

Odd saw a USAF plane on the landing strip... OK not crazy, this is Guayaquil

OK now we are on approach to the Galapagos, the stewardesses sprayed something along the bags to kill any bugs that aren't native to the islands.

Initial thoughts on Baltra - The airport was so small that we did a u-turn and taxied all the way back to the gate.

I noticed that there are no cars on the island, trucks bikes and motorcycles...

We went to the surf shop where we will get the boat from. We waited for two more travelers then headed to lunch. I am having octopus cervici.

After lunch we got a water taxi to take us from Baltra to Isabella. a 3 hour speedboat ride. I must say, it was brutal, one of the guys almost suffered dehydration from seasickness on the ride.

Coming into Isabella was tough. A maze of volcanic rock to navigate on your way to port. I should probably sleep right now... but I may be to excited.

This is heaven right? I am laying here on a hammock, waves crashing to my left over the volcanic rock that has pushed itself up from under the beach. A nice light breeze, but enough to carry the sea spray up and over the beach at the far side of the break. A dozen people are playing volleyball just beyond a beach side bar called the Iguana. You would hardly recognize this island for what it really is, or at least not yet you wouldn't. I must say, there is nothing more relaxing then a hammock, a light breeze, and the ocean.

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