Friday, August 8, 2008

7-28 Day 10 in Ecuador and back home again

5:25 am

I am waiting a few minutes now for my ride to get here. In the mean time, some breakfast. I caught a little bit of a movie lastnight with Andy Garcia about an artist and his feud with Picasso. I added it to my netflix list.

6:42 am

I am at the Diners Clup VIP lounge at the airport. They charge you $15 to get in here, but I can grab breakfast watch a little TV, and just relax until my flight.

Artist - ManRigue

Book: Ecuadorian Ghost Stories - Mario Conde

5:26 PM

Las Ecuador trip entry. So I am on my last flight heading to LGA, probabley 40-50 minutes away, I wasn't going to write more but, I had to note my last flight, I was blown away that kids were sitting on their parents laps during take off and landing. This is so unsafe, and what makes matters worse was the child in front of me had a parent whou couldn't get it to stop screaming. The kid was maybe 3 years old. If you can't control your kid, find another way to travel with them. And on a last note, while I did very well all week avoiding travel sickness, I managed to get a stomach thing today, last night too I think. Not a big deal, but... makes flying interesting.

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