Monday, August 11, 2008

Coney Island

So it was everything I expected... a scene straight out of the Five People You Meet on the Way to Heaven... The theme park looked like it was burned down years ago and rebuilt on the ashes, exactly the same way... it was an old park... Dave, Sandra, Jane and I drove down there Saturday morning, Dave and Sandra were originally going to ride there bikes, but as they were about to join Jane and I for breakfast, they were cut off on Hight Ridge Road and dropped their bikes... needless to say, after breakfast, we ditched the bikes at my place and I drove down. We didn't exactly know how to get there, but did manage to figure it out on the fly. We parked in this lot right next to Nathan's and then walked around... We opted to start with hitting a few rides.... Before we got to the Cyclone, we saw this guy who could very well have been the Coney Island Viking, dancing in the street.

From there we hopped in line at the Cyclone. There was an interesting sign... hold on to your wigs... I must say, when we got off this ride, I was beat up. They offer a reride for $5, and if you say no, as you get closer to the door, they drop the price to $2...

From their Jane and Sandra went on this Pirate Boat ride... Dave and I kicked back and watched.

Before moving on, we stopped for a little Italian Ice, I had the lemon flavor.

On the drive from the house to the diner before we left... jane and I were joking about how easy it is to confuse organism and orgasm.. and then we saw this guy's shirt... :)

After this we went on the Break Dance. It is the one that blasts the music as you spin around... I loved it!!!

After the rides we walked down the boardwalk for a little bit... smiles all around... well almost. Ok, now this is a little better. Aren't we a cute couple?

We tried to get lunch at Nathan's, but the lines were we got dogs at a chicagoan dog place next door... we thought to oursleves great no lines... that is until we got there... The power went out while he was cooking our food, and he had to go in back and kick the generator.. it was interesting.

Before leaving we stopped by the side show / Freak show. We saw a fire eater, a snake charmer who can also channel electricity while sitting in an electric chair..., A little sword swallowing,

On the way we stopped at a cemetary fro Dave to visit his grandmother, but got their a minute or two before it closed, and get hurried out by the grounds keeper. So we figured we'd try and find our way to the grounds of the worlds fair... yeah right... not with a Met's game...

Sunday Jane and I just kicked back.. cleaned a bit, and as a tribute to our Coney Island visit yesterday... Watched "The Warriors"...

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