Thursday, September 27, 2007

Another night at the tables... with an odd twist

So you ever get the feeling that you should have opened your mouth and said something? Last night I was playing in a poker tournament with some friends. There were 25 or so people playing in the tournament... We played for a few hours. I don't care about the money, I go in to the tournament to win, the price is reasonable enough where I am not so worried about the cost if I lose. So we ge tto the final table... and it is decided that four people will get paid. We play down to the final four. When it got there, one person was clearly the front runner with in the neighborhood of 95k in chips with the remaing 30k spread between us pretty evenly with the top guy around 12k one at 10k and one around 8k. The three of us on the low end discussed splitting 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, giving him first place. Then someone it was decided that we would play it out and split whatever we won, meaning if one of us overtook the chip leader and won, we would all split. Personally like I said, I don't care about the money, I wanted to overcome the chip leader and didn't change how I played. You could tell that he was getting annoyed as we began to play it out, because he wanted to go and play in another game. One by one the other two guys got knocked out, with my stack doubling effectively splitting the other two guys chips down the middle. so at this point it was roughly 105k to around 20k or so and we began playing... I offered him a split of first and second, he denied, played very tight and didn't call many of my all in's with blinds 1500/3000 there was no reason for him to... they hurt me more than they hurt him. Finally he calls my all in, I have A/Q to his A/J spades... I flop rips, he flops the flush draw, and beat me with a flush on the river. So in the end we split 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, but at this point it was 12:30am and he wanted to play some more cards, and didn't have the opportunity. So while I know I played well to be heads up against you in the end... and joked with one of the other two guys before the tournament started that I would see him in the money (which we both were) I just feel bad. We should have split at the beginning, but my ego wouldn't let me. Like I said, it is all about winning, the money is a nice bonus.

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