Monday, September 24, 2007

Yom Kippur Weekend

So... all in all this was a pretty good weekend... I made it down to my parents house Friday around 10ish and we went to shul for Yom Kippur on Saturday. After which, we came home, broke the fast, and I did some work while we watched House and the Sox game played. There was one episode of House that came on when he was trying to convince the photographer to abort her baby. When the do the surgery and they see the babies hand... I was blown away, and could not wait until Sunday to see baby Skyler. So Sunday we headed to my brothers around 11ish, and I finally got to meet Skyler... she is sooooo adorable. I only wish we had left a little earlier so I could have had more time with her. I must say though, it was amazing holding something soo small in my arms, and knowing that it was of my own family blood... this is my niece :). We stayed for around an hour and then headed out so Stef and Jeff could put the baby to sleep. They are pretty lucky, apparently they have her on a pretty good sleep regiment that has the baby sleeping throug much of the night. Good for them. On the way home we stopped for lunch at this seafood shack in Bourne along the canal.. Got myself some GOOD fried clams, not like the ones herein CT, they are just better out there. After we got home, I just hopped in my car and headed to Foxwoods. I first sat down for a sit and go tournament... and even though I was beat pretty early, I still managed to cash and went from there over to the cash tables and played 1-2 for three hours or so. I didn't do that well... I only made around $150 for the day, meaning in the 3 hours at the cash table I made roughly $30, but hey, what are you going to do... It was fun, and I bumped into my friend Louis who I hadn't seen in 7 years since working at Microwarehouse. He apparently is working in the tanning business now and was with some girl he met this morning at a training he conducted. Good for him... Anyway, that's all for now.. gotta go get reaedy for work... Ciao'.

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