Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Woodsball baby... paintball in the woods

So Saturday Dave, George, Scot, Sandra and myself drove up to this new paintball field in Oxford. It was really pretty fun. It has only been open for a few weeks now, but they are quickly getting it ramped up. It was a lot of fun The five of us late in the teamed up to play against this group of kids. Now first I must say that our average age was around 33 compared to their 16-18 years, and most of us have played less times than you can count on one hand. That being said, we owned these guys... in so much so that the field asked us to come and join them on their team for upcoming events sponsored by Brian Tippman. Not sure if we a replanning on doing it, but if we do I am sure it will be fun. Dave and I had a few heated moments though when he claims I shot him in the back after he was already out. Apparently we were talking about two different moments... but he knows that I would never malicious attack him, and I am thankeful he knows that becuase otherwise, he might be inclined to just shoot me when I am not paying attention, and that could get ugly. All in all though it was a fun day. There will probabley be plenty more paintball stories to come on here.

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