Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My first blog:

So I don't necessarily expect anyone to see this blog... in fact.. I don't really care. The fact is, this may end up being my only posting, but who knows. Plus the last few weeks have been kind of cool, so I wanted to post them for prosperity... and can kind of go from there, besides the way I figure it, if a blow hole like Schilling can have a successful blog, I can at least have one right?
Years ago my friend George had often talked about doing something like this. "The ramblings of a mad man" or something like that he called it. Maybe that's what this will be, who knows, maybe it will be somehting more. There is so much that comes up that I want to talk about, I figured this would be a good place to start, even if no one reads it.
So good things. Sooo many good things. Just in general, I know this is cheesy, but can we all just be a little thankful once in a while? I mean everyday we wake up, the sun is still in the sky, we get to live. Now not everyone's life is perfect. I certainly know mine is not, but I don't pretend it is. I enjoy the things that make me happy, and accept the ones that don't. Now I don't neccesarily believe the "if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger" thought process, but I do believe we can't truly appreciate how good we have it with out suffering (on some level) through the bad times. Without the hard times, we would never really know how good the good times were and we could never really appreciate them for all of their glory.

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