Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Son Was Born - (unfinished)

(Verse 1)
A son was born
Just a few days ago
He also has a brother
He will get to know
Everyone loves him
He gets all the attention
Now between he and I
Is all the tension
Today he walked
For the very first time
I wasn't with him
'Cuz we still have a lifetime.
(Verse 2)
My brother turned eight
Just a few days ago
He had a big party
And he asked me to go
I didn't have time
So I blew him off
I walked away
And just had to laugh
My reasons to leave
I didn't defend
'Cuz we can still be together
Until the end
(Chorus 1)
(Verse 3)
Time has moved on
He's grown so fast
I didn't spend much time with him
In our unfriendly past
He's grown up now
He's allowed to drive
He's got his license now
I'm just glad he's alive
He's always out parting
With one of his friends
Drinking and driving
Catering to local trends
I try to talk to him
Tell him what he's doing
I want him to realize
It's his life he's screwing
(Chorus 2)
I know what I've done
And we have to talk
But every time I try
You get up and walk
What I'm saying
Is not a crock
Just remember your life
Isn't solid as a rock
(Verse 4)
He's 18 now
He's got the right to vote
I can't tell him how to live
But I'll drop him a note
I'll tell him
That I wasn't a brother
The worst part is
I wasn't even a significant other
I try to tell him
To slow down
Wake up
You don't have to be a class clown
If you'd stop and think
About what's going on
You have to be careful
It won't be safe at dawn
I say this to my brother
And he leaves in a fit of rage
He leaves like a restrained animal
Being released from its cage
I try to stop him
I'm afraid of where he will go
Probably out drinking
With his good friend Joe
He says not to worry
He won't be gone to long
He's done it before
He says nothings wrong
(Chorus 2)
I know what I've done
And we have to talk
But every time I try
You get up and walk
What I'm saying
Is not a crock
Just remember your life
Isn't solid as a rock
(Verse 5)
It's been a while
I haven't seen him all day
The phone rings, its Joe
I can't stand to hear what he's to say
My brother's been in a car accident
He was driving drunk
He wasn't thinking straight
And crashed into a tree trunk
I arrived at the hospital
To seem my brother looking bad
I had such high hopes
For this high school grad
I sit down beside him
Trying to remember the good times
There were none, the way we
Treated each other was a crime
It hurts to look at him
I don't know what to say
He's totally oblivious
In the emergency room where he lay
If he survives
Things will have to change
I'll have to try
Though it'll seem so strange
I don't know what I'll do
If he isn't to live
For the way I treated him
Myself I couldn't forgive
If he gets better
Things'll change
Our lives will have
To be rearranged
(Chorus 3)
(Verse 6A)
Doctors say he won't live
But I'm still hoping
I can't believe that
I've been such a dope
He's moving his fingers
He's waking up
He's still alive
And he's getting up
The doctors walk in
They are glad for what they see
Him waking up
Me giving him an apology
All will be well
He knows how luck he was
He'll change his way
And watch what he does
I finally have a brother
Who I care for
Together we will walk
Through all of life's doors
(Chorus 3A)
(Verse 7A)
It's been a long time
We get along so well
No more fighting each other
No longer do we have each other to rebel
(Chorus 4A)
Doctors say he won't live
But I'm still hoping
I can't believe that
I've been such a dope
He's moving his fingers
He's waking up
His eyes are open
And he's getting up
The doctors walk in
They are glad for what they see
Him waking up
Me giving him an apology
He accepts and says thanks
For he too was wrong
Sorry that things weren't different
He said to always remain strong
As he said that
His body went stiff
He closed his eyes
I felt like jumping off a cliff
He's dead now
But at least I was there with him
In his last few minutes
We became brothers that were genuine
(Chorus 3B)
(verse 7B)
It has been a few years
I have a new brother now
I won't let it happen again
Things'll be right this time around.
(Chorus 4B)

(Variation of Chorus 3)
I was right
Your not made of stone
This is your life
That you've blown
But from now on
Your life is your own
Yet I want you to know
Of what you did I don't condone

(Variation of Chorus 1)
Why do you hang
All round me and my friends
To the moon and back
You I'd like to send
You know why reasons
Myself I won't defend.

Go Away

Go away
Stay away
Come back another day
I've got a new love now
Stop knocking at my door
Stop crying at my floor
Stop begging for my love
I've got a new love now

I met her in the park
Sitting by the lakes bank
We sat and talked a while
She was as innocent as a child

I whispered in her ear
That I had no fear
I told her all bout you
And how I knew I felt
I told her 'bout the fight
And I wanted to be with her that night

So, go away
Stay away
Come back another day
I've got a new love now
Stop knocking at my door
Stop crying at my floor
Stop begging for my love
I've got a new love now
And it's going great
I couldn't ask for me
She's perfect for me
And I know it has to be
I spend all my time with her
We do everything together


This poem I wrote
Is really all mine
You might want to read it
Line by line
I love your face
I love your smile
Your beauty has a place
in my memory's files
We pass in the hall
Just after period A
I watch you go by
Almost every day
The time has come
When I must go
But here's my number
Seven nine one five oh
PS don't hesitate to ask
If you need another ride
It would be my pleasure
To give you another ride
Don't forget
To give me a call sometime
This is the end of my poem
The end of my rhyme

Unnamed - 1993

It happened 50 years ago
An enormous catastrophe
The world remained quiet
And so came the great tragedy
It won't be soon forgotten
Nor would we want it to be
It affected us all
Affecting our being free
Eleven million people killed
By a man preaching hate
Now living in Hell's inferno
Living out his personal fate
He has long since past
But his legacy lives on
Minorities still discriminated
Just as he had done
All men are created equal
Thomas Jefferson did say
But when will it all stop
When will those feelings go away


You are my Juliet
As I am your Romeo.
To the end of the earth
For you I'd go.
As you know they
Died for love.
I want peace
Symbolized by the dove.
A peace you feel
When love is true.
What ever I do
I do it for you.
You are the muse
For all my writing.
With love and care
My life you are lighting.
I won't make mistakes,
I've made before,
Because it's you
I now adore.
Look at me now
Straight through my eyes.
Now you look past
All of the lies.
For what I say now
Is my personal truth.
You've heard my story
Now this is all my truth.

In a Time of Passing

In a time of passing
When emotions are excited
And the thought of a loss
Have all parties thinking of love
The day has come and gone
The emotions still excited
Calling to the lost friend
In a hopeless plea for past love
A cool breeze passes through
It'll talk hope to all who'll listen
To remind us of past
In memory of the lost one

Life Will Throw Your Curves

Life will throw you curves
As unexpected as the weather
With results that are not good
Or results that bring great pleasure
Like the unexpected pregnancy
That gave you a little brother
Who you've loved
More than any other.
Having someone
Who looks up to you,
Watches how you act
And acts like you do
Or that unexpected illness
That plagues someone dear
But how do I help him
When I know the end is near
Watching him slip away slowly
I'm told there's nothing they can do
I wish there was something
I wish I only knew
The two poles of life
Life's beginning and end
A birth and death
Life's amazing blend.

Monday, June 16, 2008


We all read
About Communism’s fall
A freedom came
With the destruction of the wall
All the stories
Happening worldwide
It seems with these stories
We will never collide
Here is a story
Much closer to home
I am warning you
Watch where you roam
A monster out there
Steps on everything in its path
We watch and observe
Its furious wrath
It has already taken
A little bit of everyone
You get scared
And think with whom you have fun
A bit of magic
Has been taken from us
An untouchable hero
Brought down to reality
It now seems to me
For him we fell pity
The music we love
Now seems more distant
We begin a chant
A chant of sorrow
For Liberace
Life will go on
Just watch me
There’s more to come
It’s all just as bad
Now the feelings we felt
Are all very sad
A bit of fashion
Died with Perry Ellis
His wonderful creations
We shall all miss
If you missed it
The monster is AIDS
Most often passed
When you get laid
It still seems far
I know it’s true
Maybe this’ll help
A story for you
An innocent boy
Living his life
Now he’s learning fast
About the afterlife
A blood transfusion
Caused the fall
He’d have died without it
I now recall
It was Ryan White
Who died from this disease
He kept on living
In life’s mysterious breeze
Soon it might be you
Or someone you know
Know your partner
And with whom you flow

As I Look Back

As I look back
I can see all the good times past
I think of all the good friends
And the memories that’ll last
I remember the bench
And the other hang spots
And we’d always get hassled
By the same exact cops
And then we began
Moving on
But with each good time
There was always one bad
With every celebration
Was always one bad
Like the young man who
Didn't see the end of freshman year
Or another who was forced
To go to his prom in a wheel chair
But now it is time
To begin moving on
And as I move on
I remember one last stop
We would stay there for hours
And never be caught
We would watch the waves roll on in
And then watch them go back out to sea

Friday, June 13, 2008

I Remember the Times

I remember the times
They'd go so quick
Holding each other close
Down by the river's bank
My memories begin to fade
They are forever unclear
They are like my own reflection
In the rippled waters

But I can't take you there
You memory means so much to me
That's why I can't take you there
No I can't take you there
I never want to see you hurt
That's why I can't take you there

Our time spent together
Means so much to me
But it doesn't mean
That I can take you there

Over The Horizon

Over the horizon
Is the dawning light
The sun shines strong
As we say goodbye to night
Its just another day
In this on going story
Each day a little older
With faster coming worries
The grass is green
Flowers have bloomed
All growing toward
Their impending doom
We all know its
Darkest before dawn
But isn't it the most beautiful
Just before everything is gone
The hidden evil
of each and every day
Is covered well
Often hidden away
It moves without warning
Where next will it strike
Maybe it'll make you cry
Maybe even get you a fight

I Was Just a Lonely Man

I was just a lonely man
Walking down a lonely road
Empty heart, empty soul
Till I met you
Waslking down that lonely road
down the end and back again
Just thinking about
The day I met you
Now that day is gone
Where are you know
Cause I still wonder
What happened when I met you
I have to find you

You Were But A Stranger

You were but a stranger
Just a few days ago
A voice in my head
With a face I wanted to know
You seemed so distant
Yet I felt so near
Waiting to meet you
Was a feeling I couldn't bare
But then I met you
I was definitely impressed
Beautiful as you are
I expected nothing less
Your beautiful brown eyes
Your long brown hair
Together we can make
A wonderful pair
You are just right
In all the right places

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why Didn't You Tell Me

Was wondering how
I met you
That Movember evening
In the Courtyard
I needed you
Why didn't you tell me
Our eyes did lock
When we met
Drawing us together
It was
Love at first sight

There You Sit

There you sit
Across the way
I wish I knew how
To let you hear what I've to say
Your shimmering eyes
A majestic shade of brown
Brings a smile to my face
Once cursed with a frown
Your curly brown hair
Shines with the reflection of the sun
Turning every boring day
Into the utmost fun
You told what
Happened months before
Forget about it
You deserve more
Take this from one
Who had a broken heart
Its in your past
But it is still hard to part
Make peace with your heart
Make peace with your mind
So you can
Allow the two to combine

Sometimes Late at Night

Sometimes late at night
I feel a shivering cold
When I think about my feelings for you
Deep within my soul
Deep within my soul
Your beauty and the way you act
Each one has a roll
In creating the way I feel for you
Deep within my soul
Deep within my sould

The Smuggler

The sung goes down
Out over the bay
The ferry docks
Leave much to say
About a young man
Who arrived just the other day
And he was called the smuggler
He walked off the docks
Through the welcome gates
He walked to the bar
To sit and wait
All alone he sat
Waiting for his date
And he was the smuggler
He had a drink
And something to hide
In a big brown box
Down at his side
And along came a woman
For the box at his side
And she took it from the smuggler
His final drink
As the night grew old
The deal was made
The box was sold
Shots break through the air
His body lay cold
And he was the smuggler

You Said You Know Me

You said you know me
But what is your name
You say you want
Things to be the same
As they were before
It seems I know not
Of these times you speak of
Or maybe I just forgot
Though beauty as yours
Would seem hard to forget
I must have though
Because I don't remember it yet
Just give me a hint
Or even just a little clue
Tell me what we've done
Tell me what to do

There's Always a Time

There's always a time
When I just sit around
Thinking about what has been
And what is yet to come

At the diner table
Drinking our evening coffee
Talking about the times
With my friend, no, my brother

He says to take a look around
He knows of my confusion
He says to find what is missing
I must first find where it has gone

He'll always be there
Don't even have to look because I know
He says to live each of your memories
You don't want to depend on the photos

He goes out of his way to help
Just as I have and will do for him
He tells me his times
And I listen, as he did

And I saw, take a look around
At all of our confusion
I say to find what is missing
You must first find where it has gone

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I Never Met a Man

I never met a man so ignorant
I couldn't learn from him
Galileo's Head was on the block
And while I stood on MY block,
I wished for that man to listen.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Beelzebub's got a hold on me
Beelzebub's got a strong hold on me
Making me do
Things I'm not used to
Take a sip of this
Do a drop of that
Once I give in
There's no way back
Beelzebub's got a hold on you
Beelzebub's got a strong hold on you
Making you be
Who you don't want to be
This is the trip
You've been looking for
Take another sip
Take another drop
You walk into a room
The door slams shut behind you
The room is empty
And the walls are closing in
Choose a way out
You can follow Beelzebub
And his empty promises
Or you can break the hold
And set yourself free
Be the person
You always wanted to be
The decision is yours
Whichever you make
Just look around
And see all who can't break
The hold he has
That caused their falls
Its time to escape
Through the Crack in his wall
You can break the hold
If you really want to
You can break the hold
If you truly try to


My best friend
My favorite ex
I watch the ship
Leaving the docks
I wonder what
Could have happened
Sitting there watching
It all end
My true feelings
For her never die
But the chips fall
And stay where the lie