Friday, June 6, 2008


Beelzebub's got a hold on me
Beelzebub's got a strong hold on me
Making me do
Things I'm not used to
Take a sip of this
Do a drop of that
Once I give in
There's no way back
Beelzebub's got a hold on you
Beelzebub's got a strong hold on you
Making you be
Who you don't want to be
This is the trip
You've been looking for
Take another sip
Take another drop
You walk into a room
The door slams shut behind you
The room is empty
And the walls are closing in
Choose a way out
You can follow Beelzebub
And his empty promises
Or you can break the hold
And set yourself free
Be the person
You always wanted to be
The decision is yours
Whichever you make
Just look around
And see all who can't break
The hold he has
That caused their falls
Its time to escape
Through the Crack in his wall
You can break the hold
If you really want to
You can break the hold
If you truly try to

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