Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Son Was Born - (unfinished)

(Verse 1)
A son was born
Just a few days ago
He also has a brother
He will get to know
Everyone loves him
He gets all the attention
Now between he and I
Is all the tension
Today he walked
For the very first time
I wasn't with him
'Cuz we still have a lifetime.
(Verse 2)
My brother turned eight
Just a few days ago
He had a big party
And he asked me to go
I didn't have time
So I blew him off
I walked away
And just had to laugh
My reasons to leave
I didn't defend
'Cuz we can still be together
Until the end
(Chorus 1)
(Verse 3)
Time has moved on
He's grown so fast
I didn't spend much time with him
In our unfriendly past
He's grown up now
He's allowed to drive
He's got his license now
I'm just glad he's alive
He's always out parting
With one of his friends
Drinking and driving
Catering to local trends
I try to talk to him
Tell him what he's doing
I want him to realize
It's his life he's screwing
(Chorus 2)
I know what I've done
And we have to talk
But every time I try
You get up and walk
What I'm saying
Is not a crock
Just remember your life
Isn't solid as a rock
(Verse 4)
He's 18 now
He's got the right to vote
I can't tell him how to live
But I'll drop him a note
I'll tell him
That I wasn't a brother
The worst part is
I wasn't even a significant other
I try to tell him
To slow down
Wake up
You don't have to be a class clown
If you'd stop and think
About what's going on
You have to be careful
It won't be safe at dawn
I say this to my brother
And he leaves in a fit of rage
He leaves like a restrained animal
Being released from its cage
I try to stop him
I'm afraid of where he will go
Probably out drinking
With his good friend Joe
He says not to worry
He won't be gone to long
He's done it before
He says nothings wrong
(Chorus 2)
I know what I've done
And we have to talk
But every time I try
You get up and walk
What I'm saying
Is not a crock
Just remember your life
Isn't solid as a rock
(Verse 5)
It's been a while
I haven't seen him all day
The phone rings, its Joe
I can't stand to hear what he's to say
My brother's been in a car accident
He was driving drunk
He wasn't thinking straight
And crashed into a tree trunk
I arrived at the hospital
To seem my brother looking bad
I had such high hopes
For this high school grad
I sit down beside him
Trying to remember the good times
There were none, the way we
Treated each other was a crime
It hurts to look at him
I don't know what to say
He's totally oblivious
In the emergency room where he lay
If he survives
Things will have to change
I'll have to try
Though it'll seem so strange
I don't know what I'll do
If he isn't to live
For the way I treated him
Myself I couldn't forgive
If he gets better
Things'll change
Our lives will have
To be rearranged
(Chorus 3)
(Verse 6A)
Doctors say he won't live
But I'm still hoping
I can't believe that
I've been such a dope
He's moving his fingers
He's waking up
He's still alive
And he's getting up
The doctors walk in
They are glad for what they see
Him waking up
Me giving him an apology
All will be well
He knows how luck he was
He'll change his way
And watch what he does
I finally have a brother
Who I care for
Together we will walk
Through all of life's doors
(Chorus 3A)
(Verse 7A)
It's been a long time
We get along so well
No more fighting each other
No longer do we have each other to rebel
(Chorus 4A)
Doctors say he won't live
But I'm still hoping
I can't believe that
I've been such a dope
He's moving his fingers
He's waking up
His eyes are open
And he's getting up
The doctors walk in
They are glad for what they see
Him waking up
Me giving him an apology
He accepts and says thanks
For he too was wrong
Sorry that things weren't different
He said to always remain strong
As he said that
His body went stiff
He closed his eyes
I felt like jumping off a cliff
He's dead now
But at least I was there with him
In his last few minutes
We became brothers that were genuine
(Chorus 3B)
(verse 7B)
It has been a few years
I have a new brother now
I won't let it happen again
Things'll be right this time around.
(Chorus 4B)

(Variation of Chorus 3)
I was right
Your not made of stone
This is your life
That you've blown
But from now on
Your life is your own
Yet I want you to know
Of what you did I don't condone

(Variation of Chorus 1)
Why do you hang
All round me and my friends
To the moon and back
You I'd like to send
You know why reasons
Myself I won't defend.

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