Monday, June 16, 2008


We all read
About Communism’s fall
A freedom came
With the destruction of the wall
All the stories
Happening worldwide
It seems with these stories
We will never collide
Here is a story
Much closer to home
I am warning you
Watch where you roam
A monster out there
Steps on everything in its path
We watch and observe
Its furious wrath
It has already taken
A little bit of everyone
You get scared
And think with whom you have fun
A bit of magic
Has been taken from us
An untouchable hero
Brought down to reality
It now seems to me
For him we fell pity
The music we love
Now seems more distant
We begin a chant
A chant of sorrow
For Liberace
Life will go on
Just watch me
There’s more to come
It’s all just as bad
Now the feelings we felt
Are all very sad
A bit of fashion
Died with Perry Ellis
His wonderful creations
We shall all miss
If you missed it
The monster is AIDS
Most often passed
When you get laid
It still seems far
I know it’s true
Maybe this’ll help
A story for you
An innocent boy
Living his life
Now he’s learning fast
About the afterlife
A blood transfusion
Caused the fall
He’d have died without it
I now recall
It was Ryan White
Who died from this disease
He kept on living
In life’s mysterious breeze
Soon it might be you
Or someone you know
Know your partner
And with whom you flow

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