Friday, May 30, 2008

Every Night

Every night
We walk the streets together
Take care of our needs
Give the dog a bone
Every night
Same as the last
Now maybe its time
To walk the streets alone
A match made in heaven
Yeah that's what they told us
We believed them all
Didn't you know it was foolish
So when the sun comes up tomorrow
Don't you know I'll be gone
Now it's time for me
To walk the streets alone
What could they saw
If they could see us now

Hey Sweetheart

Hey sweetheart
You think your so hot
To good for any man
Well let me tell you
Here's the plan
Hey sweetheart
I watch you
Turn down those guys
Your turn and walk
With a bat of your eyes
Hey sweetheart
Your not so hot
But I want you just the same
You ways'll change
Your gonna play my game
Hey sweetheart
I'm gonna show you
You're not the best
Look around the world
Look at all the rest
Hey sweetheart
I'm gonna have my fun
Then be rid of you
Like you did yourself
So you know what its like to.

Brave Souls

Early in the morning.
Five AM exactly.
A time I did not know,
Now occurs all every day
The crust in the corner
of my eyes. The weakness
in everyone of my bones.
I can't move a muscle.
I drag myself out of
bed. Why am I doing
This? I need more sleep. I
struggle to pull on my
shorts and sweats. I must be
very quiet. I don't want to wake my roommate.
It is still dark outside
as I start my car's engine.
That radio blasts. The
noise wakes me. I put the
car into reverse, then
drive. I go to the field
house and join me fellow
brave souls on the crew team.
We wait for our coach in
the freezing cold. We car-
pool to Coventry
Lake and meet in the boat
house. Coach picks a leader
to guide us through warm up.
It isn't much later than
five thirty and I am
wide awake. Why? Why do
I do this to myself?
Positions are assigned.
Port rig, seat number five.
Here I'm just a number
The coxswain commands us,
"Hands on the Devlin. Lift
and low over head now.
Now walk her out. Wain off.
Turn and down to the shoulders.
Now walk her to the beach."
The freezing cold makes my
naked legs petrified.
The rocks pound into the
souls of my bare feet with
the weight of the Devlin.
The eight members of the
Devlin crew walk her down
into the water. Again
the coxswain commands "Roll
to waist and roll, starboards,
one foot on the strip and
in. Ports, one foot on the
strip and in. Stroke one foot
on the strip and in. Bow
push off and in. Stroke and
two, a few strokes to get
us out and go. Now lets
all tie in and count off.
Stroke, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, bow." Now we all
join in and row through the
fog. The sun begins to
rise. The fog begins to
lift. The familiar
scent of a steam room
fills the brisk morning air.
The cold air and water
make my bones shiver and
shake. Why am I doing
this? We are rowing at
a full slide and at full
power. Adrenaline
flow through my every vein.
Wind in my hair. The boats
move through the fog like ghost
ships of ancient lore. The
sun breaks the horizon
and the sky turns blue. The
visions of life are now
unearthed. The shore seems so
distant, yet I still feel so
close. I feel so secure.
This is what I have been
searching for. The light of
the sun giving life to
the world all around us.
The meaning of life? Sun
rise on Coventry Lake.

You Wake Up

You wake up in the morning
Always the same old story
Drifting through life
Living in it's glory
It time to grow up
Take control of your life
It's time for you to do
What you know is right
Because you're on
The highway to nowhere
No off ramp in sight
Wasting your life
What gives you the right
To throw away your future
For just another night
Now as the
Day gets long
So seem the roads
You've traveled upon
When will you realize
The mistakes you made
You must change things
Before your life fades
Because you're on
The highway to nowhere
No off ramp in sight
Wasting your life
What gives you the right
To throw away your future
For just another night on
The highway to nowhere
No exits in view
It just gets longer
Don't know what to do
As you go on with your party
And throwing away your life.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Love You

I love you
But it hurts me
To see you lay there
Your mind going free
The past we never had
The future that'll never be
It hurts to watch
Your soul set free
Will I ever see you again
On a plain much higher
When I've moved on
way from the burning fire
Will I see you happy
Or will you be uptight
For what you had done
For what wasn't right
The way you treated
Your loved ones
But that is past
It's over and done
It's not forgiven
What I say is true
But it doesn't change
My love for you
There's a hole in my heart
That should not have been empty
It should be filled with comfort
For what is yet to be
Why, why did this happen
I wish I only knew
I wish I could help
I wish there was something to do
A chilly feeling
Sweeps through my body
Like I made a mistake
Or did something naughty
This cold fills
That open spot
Deep in my heart
But I love you a lot
I will always miss
What was and was not
But always remember
How I love you lots

Let's Go Out and Party

Let's go out and party
With a few friends
Let's go out and party
Until this day ends
We can chill at my house
We can put down a few
We can watch the TV
If there's nothing to do
We'll crack a few beers
We can get drunk
Put on some rock roll music
Turn off that funk
We'll all take a hit
Off that big ass bone
We'll breathe in the smoke
we'll all get stoned
We'll all get fucked
By the end of the day
We'll all be fucked
With nothing left to say

Our Sound

Our sound rolling in
For you all to hear
We're back to rock roll music
You have nothing to fear
Time have changed
but the beats still the same
Lets get away
Lets get back to the original game
The game of love
For what we do
Not for money
But what is true
Our sound isn't really new
You've heard it before
You heard it for the first time
Now we're back for more
The time has come
For the revival of a sound
A sound thought lost
Until recently found
Listen if you like
Just don't pass us by
Sing along, don't let
Rock and Roll die.


The sun shines strong
Over fields of snow.
School is closed.
Kids have nowhere to go.
Building snow forts,
Making snow balls,
Throwing them at each other,
Trying to break down the walls.
Making a snowman,
All help put it together.
It begins to melt
Because of warmer weather.
The snow melts and spring tolls on it
Animals start to move,
The rains now begin.
Washing away the snow,
Revitalizing the earth,
The rebirth of a cycle,
For all that its worth.
Flowers start to bloom.
The grass begins to grow.
Summer is coming
And everyone knows.
Swimming and sailing
Water skiing too.
Summer's end draws near,
With so much to do.
The leaves start changing.
Fall is near.
It's time to get ready.
Soon it'll be here.
Fall is here and gone
As fast as any other,
With winter following
The final brother.
The completion of a cycle
All four seasons done.
Then end of the year
The next has just begun.

150 Miles

150 Miles
On the open road
Lord take me back to
Back to my hometown
And the country roads
That take me to you
Oh lord take me back down
Down to my home town
The changing leaves
Yeah and that summer breeze
Every time I leave the shore
Keeps me coming back for more
And when I've got to leave
Oh makes me feel so blue
Yes I be longing for
The road that takes be back to you
My hometown
Now even though
All my friends have left
Just like me got jobs in the big city
There is still plenty left


I was sitting in my class
Minding my own business
When I got the look,
The look of death from the Sorceress.
Look at me sitting here!
Just my luck!
Wouldn't you know it!
I'm a sitting duck!
You know what I am talking 'bout!
That god ugly witch!
That teacher we all hate!
Ain't life a bitch!
I know you're not trying
Cause neither am I.
But if we don't get started
You know we'll fry.
Now listen up
It's time to crack down.
Get ready for college
Move out of this town.
Looking for a college
With the right pitch.
But, all you can find
Is the eternal itch.
All this pressure
About making the right decision.
Headlines 'bout who didn't
Flashing across the television.
So many decisions
Facing us teens,
Things are as easy
As they were for James Dean.
Rebel without a cause
He was back then.
Now it's rebel without a clue
Not knowing where or when.
But this is no joke.
Get your ass in gear!
Send your college applications in
And get off your rear.
All these colleges,
Which one to choose.
Time to get going!
There's no time to snooze!
If you are tired,
Don't be a fool!
Sleep at home
And don't sleep in school!
When in class
You should try and study,
So when it comes to test
Your grades aren't cruddy!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I am the poet.
Life's experience my muse.
What does it all mean?
I really haven't a clue.
In one ear
And out the other,
Go those many facts,
Told by my father and mother.
Going to and fro,
From this and that,
Just like a mouse
Being chased by a cat.
Life is a maze
With many a dangerous turn.
Pick the wrong one
and there will be lessons to learn....
Like falling steadily
into the depths of depressions.
I don't know what's up.
But I have a confession.
Life will pass you by.
And, it is what you make it.
Love is a part of life,
Something we all feel.
But, what I want to know is,
Is it always real?
All I feel now
Is emptiness and pain.
You care about people.
Then all love is slain.
This is life for me.....
Pen, paper and a few thoughts.
But putting it together
Not as easy as dot-to-dots.


Try to imagine
If you please,
The mess we are in
With all our disease.
People on the streets
With old clothes on their backs,
Try to find safe places
To hide from attacks.
Make a donation,
Show you care,
Help fight poverty,
If you dare.
Clouds of gases
All that pollution.
Times are changing.
We need a solution.
Carbon Monoxide
In our air.
Do you think
This is very fair?
Imagine a world
Living as one,
No need for war
Just getting things done.
Time of war,
We have overcome
The time for peace
Has just begun.
Children playing,
Riding their bikes,
Climbing mountains,
Going on hikes.
Dropping the bomb....
Can't be much fun.
When the time comes,
There's nowhere to run.
Soldiers heading out,
Using all their might,
To refrain from showing
They are full of fright.
Scared to death
Of tomorrow's dawn
And what will remain
After the bomb.
Soldiers fearing
They may not survive,
Trying to keep
Their hopes alive.
From U.S. to Iraq,
From Taiwan to France,
Let the world breathe,
And give peace a chance.

Yes I Heard the Stories

Yes I heard the stories
No that's not how it happened
Shoot man, I was there you know
Those are lies they are passing
Yes I may have been drunk
Even a little foggy
But I know what I did
I wasn't that groggy
Why do they say what they say
This is my life they are talking about
Why do they lie today
This is my life they are lying about
And why do you believe them
I say believe me, don't believe anybody

So Insightful

So insightful
You see through me
Down to the core
Never call me a bore
You come to me
With day so long
Old friend
Shotgun end
Shit he was so young
Didn't even know him
We never met
But I still regret
No Zen for life
Life not lived
Days robbed
Friends sob
Fuck, Shotgun blast
You stupid fuck
Open your eyes
Fuck your stupid disguise
If I only had the chance
To help find the way
Another lost soul
Whose life never unfolded

As I Left the House

As I left the house
I drove down a deserted road
But the drive seems slower than normal
Time has seemed to slow down
Driving down the road
The fog lay down thick
And every passing car
With lights glaring from its front end
Takes me farther and farther from my driven course
The fog follow the car
It seems the fog moves through the window
And directly into my eyes
As I turn the corner
Odd things are pulling my attention
I drive down the street
Not blinking an eye
Driving slowly down the street
Pull up the driveway
And walk to the door
I turn my key
And walk in
I turn down the hall
The hall seems longer
The hall seems darker
The hall seems louder
The hall seems louder
I walk through the door
The end of the _______
I step in
I fall


You are the one and only
True brown eyed girl
With a beautiful smile
Teethe white as a pearl
Whenever I've a problem
You've had a solution
No I have to say
I've come to a conclusion
It's you I'd like to know
I wish you felt the same
I really care for you Vick
Let's stop this silly game
I'm glad I got to know you
You know I would not lie
Why do you like me
I constantly ask why
This poem I wrote
Is all for you
You've got my heart
Yes it is true

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Vision

The rain falls hard,
A day of gloom.
That low down feeling
A feeling of gloom.

But all of a sudden
The rain stops.
Creatures poke their heads out
As the last rain drops.
Over the horizon
A vision of hope,
The sun shines strong.
Away float the clouds.
Nature has lifted,
It's gloomy shourds
We all enjoy
This beautfiul day.
A vision of hope
No more skies of grey.


Time goes by.
It seems to fly.
But nobody knows
where it goes.
Report cards today.
One quarter past.
Two months of school.
It went by so fast.
Sitting in class,
of in a daze.
Staring out the window,
Reality in a haze.
On the river of life
I'm trying to row
A fork in the river
Which way to go?
Off in the distance,
I hear my name.
I must get back.
For life isn't a game.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

She's my girl

She came from a little
New England suburb,
Not to far from the city
Her summer spent with friends
Nothing but good times
And that is when she met me
A shocking summer journey,
Driving in her Cherokee.
They say she’s my trophy,
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.
I saw her walk in
And thought nothing off it
With the stereo
Playing Jimmy Buffet.
My roommate’s guest
Was being neglected
He wasn’t pursuing
She wasn’t effected
I entertained her
I talked and got to know her
He says she’s my trophy
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.
Beauty as pure
As the freshly fallen snow
A sweet girl
She kept things between us slow
Guys like me
Don’t get girls like her
Nice guys get
Left behind in the blur
They say she’s my trophy
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.
Now she’s gone,
I’m here without her
She’s staying in Boulder
Thinking about her
Dealing with lost love
Life is a little colder
Memories grace my thought
Her love my heart
She will always remain my
Only sweetheart
They say she’s my trophy
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.

Love is that

Love is that
Which makes long hours seem short
And when out
There is no questioning your escort
Summer romances
Make the days fly by
Summer romancing
Makes us feel alive
The more you have to get back
The more you want to stay
Even if only
For one more day
Summer brings long days
And with them longer nights
To spend with the loved one
And do your best to delight
With less pleasure time
The days seem brief
When you leave it all
For summers last eve


Over the horizon
The sun begins to set
The waves of the ocean
Leave all the shores wet
The spectacular fire ball
Illuminates the sky
With many spectacular colors.
We look up and say hi
To the moon now coming
'Tis on its way
We walk along the beach
On an eve in May
The waves fall steadily
Upon the shore
I could listen
Forever more
To the rhythmic crash
Of every wave
Splashing over boulders
Spraying into caves
Walking the beach
Sand sifting through my toes
Gazing out into the sea
Watching it as it goes
Through its continuous cycles,
That's been watched by every girl and boy
A place we can go relax
The one place we all can enjoy

Late One Night

Late one night
I gazed upon a man
A man of no clothes
And all he could say was
Help me
Please help me
I invited his problem
But he just searched
For his own answer
And all he could say was
Help me
Please help me


Down a moonlit path
Along a deserted beach
With waves crashing the shore
Fresh smell of the sea
Fills the air
Hand in Hand
Down the moonlit path
With someone you love
Truly a beautiful sight to see
Walking down
This moonlit path

I Just Want to Drive

I just want to drive
I need to hit the road
It's the place to be
'least that is what I'm told
Five thirty alarm went off
Shit didn't need to wake before six
Grab my towel, hit the shower
Get to the kitchen for a fix
Workin' all day
Trying to ma an honest living
All my extra hours
This ain't no way to be livin;
I just want to drive
I need to hit the road
It's no place to be
'least that's what I'm told
After work I head home
In and out before I know
Spinning tunes at bars
Trying to make my wad grow.

See Man Stand

See man stand
As you continue to fall
You need strength
To break down the walls
That surround your feelings
Let them be known
Let them out
Let them be shown

Let Me Tell You Now

Let me tell you now
This ain't the end.
Listen to me
I'm trying to be a friend.
Listen now
I know what I hear
When you need that job
There's nothing there!
Go to college!
Try to get smart!
When job time comes
You'll have a head start!
Looking for a major
Knowing not what to pick.
You still have time
Don't move to quick!

Click Flash

Click flash
Ok now step to the right
Lift your head... Good
Now flip your hair
Click flash
Now step into the fountain
Smile, have fun
Click flash
You, you climb up and join her
Splash each other,
Have fun
Click flash

If You Listen Now

If you listen now
You might hear
Thousands of lost souls scream
Its more than I can bare

We must learn to remember

We must mourn their souls forever

A New Life

Back to the scene of the Accident,
The morning after it happened
Realizing how lucky I was,
Not meeting my end.
Chills in my body
When I got closest.
I remember the hospital,
Waiting for the diagnosis.
A friend got hurt,
But she's OK now.
She got the worst of it.
I got a scratch on my eyebrow.
We are still fiends now,
And no one was hurt bad
I have a live to live,
And for this I am glad.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Meagan 2

When I look in your eyes
I know what I see
beautiful lady
Standing right next to me
Your shimmering eyes
A wonderful blue
They are definitely
Most fitting of you
Your gorgeous blond hair
Your wonderful smile
Would you mind
If I stare a while?
On the river of love
I now row
A fork in the river
Which way to go
I hope I've picked
The right way
I'll only know
By the things you say
Tell me how you feel
Just as I am telling you
Is it really love
Is the chemistry true


I sit here and wonder
What are you like?
Do you like to go walking,
Or go ride a bike?
Your face is so pretty
Your personality is so right.
To stop myself from complimenting you
Is a battle I can't fight.
In the form of a poem
I say what I must,
Any other form
Would be unjust.
I don't know why I'm saying this,
Telling you how I feel.
Spilling my insides
Letting down my peel.
You can do with this
As you may please.
But you should know
This flows with great ease.
My true feelings
You now know.
I've said what I've said
So I will let you go.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fellow Poet

I am writing this poem
For a talented poet
With a beautiful face
For those who don't know it
I love the rythym
I find in your writing
A space in my heart
Your poems are opening
Sometimes you look
For familiar faces
In this world
Of unfamiliar places
A fellow poet
Who writes of life's extremes
You should continue writing
As I will continue too
Because people like you
are so far and few


You look around
For familiar faces
In this world
Of unfamiliar places
We talk about equality
and joining the races
It hasn't started
All we see are traces
What we need now
Is a definite basis
Lets get it started
Stop the cat and mouse chases
Like you are playing cards
And hiding the aces
Look at each other
You are all disgraces
Love thy neighbor
Don't have two faces
It's time to care
And throw out these cases
Love each other
Regardless of color, religion, or birth places

Let's End the Ignorance

Let's end the ignorance
Man fighting man
Because of the color of his skin
Man fighting man
Because of his religion
Let's end the ignorance
Destroying the government
With Watergate and the Iran Contra Scandal
Destroying the government
by electing people like Dan Quayle
Let's end the ignorance
Countries fighting countries
Destroying our peace
Countries fighting countries
stop the fighting at least
Let's end the ignorance
Let's open our mind
To new ideas
Let's open our mind
To new cultures
Let's end the ignorance
Let us learn
To understand each other
Let us learn
To live together as brother and sister

His Death Was Expected

His death was expected
No way to avoid it
His end came quickly
He was lucky not to feel it
I try to cry
But it won't come out
I feel upset but
It doesn't help to pour
I realize I did
All I could have done
His soul and the earth
have now become one
I was with him though
Up until the end
I did all I could but
My life won't bend
I must move on
And so must us all
We must keep living
And try not to fall

Pull Back the Cover

Pull back the cover
Turning past the editor's words,
To Page one.
I being to read,
Enigmatic words.
My eyes blur a words come out and
Pull me in.
Deep into the text
I am being drawn.
Fight after fight; kiss after kiss,
The tale ends.
Free to imagine...

We've Known Each Other

We've know each other
For such a long time
You've always stayed close
Through good times and bad
You've been the bright light
At the end of my dark tunnel
Yes you've always been there
With open arms
And I feel it
Do you feel it
The raging flame
Whenever where together
The love burning in our hearts
Love only for each other

Come Fly with Me

Come fly with me
Away from the dark
Let me take you away from it
Lets strike the spark
To kindle the flame
Deep within your soul
The flame that keeps you going
Long enough to fulfill your goals
Let us flow on through
What we feel deep within
Let us fly off and away
In a great zeppelin
To a land of peace
Both of mind and heart
You and the good feelings
Should never have to part
Let us stay here
In this Garden of Eden
Why should we leave
There is no reason
Come fly with me
Away from the dark
Let me take you away from it
Let me strike the spark
To kindle the flame
Deep within your soul
The flame that keeps you going
Long enough to fulfill your goals
Through bad times
That you never dreamed would stop
But you've learned to carry on
With each and every rain drop
Like with the untimely passing
Of a dearly loved one
Or a love
Who decided to run
What can I say except
Live life the way you see fit
Fulfill each dream
Each and every little bit

Time, the Only True Mystery

Time, the only true mystery
Where it goes
And where it came from
We'll never know
Childhood memories
Of days long ago
Our past days
Where do we go

The Naked Eye

The morning
Perched high up in the tree
Sings it's song
Putting life into me
Feeding the earth
With warmth and love
The sun rises slowly
Blue skies above
Dew moistened grass
Covers the earth
Reflecting the sun
At this morning's birth
The day moves along
No slower than it came
The day gets dimmer
As down goes its flame
The sun now rests
Just above the horizon
The painting in the sky
To be seen by all men
All thosde spectacular colors
Illuminate the sky
That you only see at sunset
Through the naked eye

See the Slave Boy

See the slave boy,
Shackled to the wall.
his heart racing
Like untamed horses.
You crack your whip,
Down over his back.
Back in the day,
In the days when he was young.
Back in the day,
He'd run up no mans hill,
Wind blowing through his hair,
Someones calling,
But he don't care.
Back in the day.
See the slave boy,
Break free from the shackles.
With a chance to run,
He stops and turns
Back to his master
His heart still prisoner.
Back in the day,
In the days when I was young.
Back in the day,
I'd run up no mans hill.
Wind blowing through my hair.
Someones calling,
But I don't care.
Back in the day.

In a Time of Passing

In a time of passing
When emotions are excited
And the thought of a loss
Have all parties thinking of love


Death is something
We are never ready for
Some look for an escape
Using death as the door
You know suicide
Is not the way
You never considered
The people who pay
The close and dear
The friends who are true
Who fret and cry
And never forget you


When I look in your eyes,
I know not what I see.
Wondering what you're really like,
Wondering if you'll walk with me.
Your beautiful hair,
Your wonderful smile,
Would you mind
If I stare a while?
Your dancing eyes
A beautiful blue;
What are you truly like?
I wish I knew.
Your golden blonde hair
so smooth and nice,
I'll say the wrong thing,
Then I'll pay the price.
I look at my life;
It's all a collage.
Are you real,
or just a mirage?
Don't know what I'd do
If you were mine.
If I were yours
Our souls could combine.

But Why?

April 12th
a day we will not soon forget.
We have all been victimized
by today's tragedy.
As the rain drops on the fields
so do the tears in the halls.
For a young man
who is struggling to survive.
In this town
"everything is perfect."
But if all was perfect
how could this happen?
How could five students
come into our school
with knives and bats
and not be stopped?
A young man, a child
was severely wounded,
stabbed in the stomach.
But why?
An hour and a half has past
and we still hear the screams
friends are just learning what happened
on the day we will not soon forget.

Beautiful Day

I gaze out the window
'tis a beautiful day
The sunshines on
In a wonderful way
I continue to stare
Off in a daze
Can't stop thinking about
All the past days
Both good and bad
Short and long
The clock strikes 12
The bells go dong
Although this day
Has been top notch
It'll only get better
Just you watch
Ever have a day
When all is right
You move through the day
Without a fight


Certain parts of life
Become blurred,
Just as ones own reflection
In rippled water.

In the Eyes of Those Who Cannot See

In the eyes of those
who cannot see,
everything around
might seem the same.
But for those who refuse
to open their eyes,
they lose so much of life
and the world remains dark.
For those who are brave hearted,
and dream to look around,
there is still so much to see
in the forgotten world.
The love and the pain
of life every day.
The sights are blessings
both good and bad,
for those who are brave
with open eyes.


Raise the jib
Raise the main
Let's sail out
Into the sea terrain
I begin to sail
At a slow steady pace
Waiting for a horn
To start this race
I pick up speed
Catching the wind
A steady breeze
And in second I'm pinned
But all of a sudden
A strong blowing gust
I move faster now
My sails I now adjust
I move into first
And cross the line
A superior sailor
Victory is mine.


Studying my lines
Looking for an Edge.
I make a mistake
And step over the ledge.
Blocking each scene,
Reciting each line.
When we do something wrong,
The director will whine.
A company of actors
Working as one,
Studying a play,
Trying to have fun.
The final week
Has drawn near.
Before we know it
Opening night is here.
Out on stage
Doing as we prepared.
How well are we doing?
All were scared.
The show is over,
A job well done.
The final victor,
Has just been won.

Our path to self discovery

OK, so I have sent an email out to a bunch of you already let you know what I am doing here... moving in with Jane, I realized that there are tons of poems I have written over the years between 8th grade and my early twenties that I have always said I would publish somewhere. Many of these were written as I was discovering new aspects of life. For better or worse, this was my creative writing over a period of ten years or so. In retrospect, some of it was pretty insightful, while others were just downright cheesy, while I know I am setting myself up for a mock or tow... I am OK with that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy what you see here.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Sit Down and Listen

sit down and listen
have i got a story for you
you won't believe it
even had it happened to you
he rolled up his beat up Volkswagen Bug
he asked me to step to his window
he said i could be his saving grace
then asked if i was from around here, i said no
he wore a us postal shirt
but he stunk of cheap booze and .. other stuff
he had a good story that sounded rehearsed
but all in all he sounds sincere enough
he was down on his luck
been thrown out by his girls
you see she caught him cheating
she caught him with another girl
he said he was staying at a hotel
he owned his own business
and a $25000 Harley
i didn't know how any of this was my business
i knew where this was going
he had no more cash
he didn't have two nickles to rub together
all because of a piece of ass
my credit cards were tapped
i had spend all my cash on that evenings date
i could see he was disappointed
i wondered about his fate
he asked if i had a cigarette
i felt guilty for having quit
he looked at his tank, saw his gas running low
he said i hope this isn't it
as he rolled up his window
and his face began to fall
he said if it wasn't for bad luck
I'd have no luck at all.

The Vultures

desert sun burns
as a man wanders
bare toed burning
his feet covered
life worn shoes
worn thin
falling to pieces
skin burnt
his unprotected head
lips cracked
parched from the desert
a watering hole
he drags
he leans over and
drinks the sand
he falls
he lay there
Vultures circle

It's a boy
-baby cries-
mommy can i open my gifts
yes son
daddy i got my report card today
good job son
hey dad can i have the keys to the car
of course you can son
look mom and dad - i graduated
son we are so proud of you
hey i got a job
i know you'll be successful son
hey guys i just proposed, i'm getting married
i'm so happy for you


start a new

So alone inside (even when everyone knows your name)

I woke up this morning
around a quarter after noon
listened to the screaming alarm clock
and though why'd it have to be so soon

I rolled over and look next to me
the woman lying there, my memory gone
couldn't remember who she was
last night I got so bombed

because hey
I'm so alone inside
yeah cuz everyone knows my name
and when i try to be alone
everyone follows and does the same
I went out last evening
to a local discotheque
tried to get lost in all the people
but it didn't have the right effect
so I went down
to the corner bar
a few drinks later
loneliness never seemed so far
started talking to a lady
her boyfriend said "what gives you the right"
I turned to him and answered
"well because tonight is my night"
he grabbed me by the collar
knocked me to the ground
his lady leaned over and helped me up
the whole time he frowned
she asked what did you do that for
said I was tired of being alone
she smiled and said let's get out of here
and that's when she took me home
so hey - I was so alone inside
cuz everyone knew my name
got tired of playing
all those stupid games
I was alone inside
even though they knew my name
I was so alone inside
and thought no one felt the same

Fly on a wall

sitting in the back
the luck of it all
sitting, staring, thinking
a fly on the wall
the radio plays
chris at the bar
cries in a beer
how did things go so far
the best of friends
long as he can remember
stupid decisions
turned into a great pretender