Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Try to imagine
If you please,
The mess we are in
With all our disease.
People on the streets
With old clothes on their backs,
Try to find safe places
To hide from attacks.
Make a donation,
Show you care,
Help fight poverty,
If you dare.
Clouds of gases
All that pollution.
Times are changing.
We need a solution.
Carbon Monoxide
In our air.
Do you think
This is very fair?
Imagine a world
Living as one,
No need for war
Just getting things done.
Time of war,
We have overcome
The time for peace
Has just begun.
Children playing,
Riding their bikes,
Climbing mountains,
Going on hikes.
Dropping the bomb....
Can't be much fun.
When the time comes,
There's nowhere to run.
Soldiers heading out,
Using all their might,
To refrain from showing
They are full of fright.
Scared to death
Of tomorrow's dawn
And what will remain
After the bomb.
Soldiers fearing
They may not survive,
Trying to keep
Their hopes alive.
From U.S. to Iraq,
From Taiwan to France,
Let the world breathe,
And give peace a chance.

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