Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Come Fly with Me

Come fly with me
Away from the dark
Let me take you away from it
Lets strike the spark
To kindle the flame
Deep within your soul
The flame that keeps you going
Long enough to fulfill your goals
Let us flow on through
What we feel deep within
Let us fly off and away
In a great zeppelin
To a land of peace
Both of mind and heart
You and the good feelings
Should never have to part
Let us stay here
In this Garden of Eden
Why should we leave
There is no reason
Come fly with me
Away from the dark
Let me take you away from it
Let me strike the spark
To kindle the flame
Deep within your soul
The flame that keeps you going
Long enough to fulfill your goals
Through bad times
That you never dreamed would stop
But you've learned to carry on
With each and every rain drop
Like with the untimely passing
Of a dearly loved one
Or a love
Who decided to run
What can I say except
Live life the way you see fit
Fulfill each dream
Each and every little bit

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