Tuesday, May 27, 2008

As I Left the House

As I left the house
I drove down a deserted road
But the drive seems slower than normal
Time has seemed to slow down
Driving down the road
The fog lay down thick
And every passing car
With lights glaring from its front end
Takes me farther and farther from my driven course
The fog follow the car
It seems the fog moves through the window
And directly into my eyes
As I turn the corner
Odd things are pulling my attention
I drive down the street
Not blinking an eye
Driving slowly down the street
Pull up the driveway
And walk to the door
I turn my key
And walk in
I turn down the hall
The hall seems longer
The hall seems darker
The hall seems louder
The hall seems louder
I walk through the door
The end of the _______
I step in
I fall

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