Friday, May 9, 2008

Sit Down and Listen

sit down and listen
have i got a story for you
you won't believe it
even had it happened to you
he rolled up his beat up Volkswagen Bug
he asked me to step to his window
he said i could be his saving grace
then asked if i was from around here, i said no
he wore a us postal shirt
but he stunk of cheap booze and .. other stuff
he had a good story that sounded rehearsed
but all in all he sounds sincere enough
he was down on his luck
been thrown out by his girls
you see she caught him cheating
she caught him with another girl
he said he was staying at a hotel
he owned his own business
and a $25000 Harley
i didn't know how any of this was my business
i knew where this was going
he had no more cash
he didn't have two nickles to rub together
all because of a piece of ass
my credit cards were tapped
i had spend all my cash on that evenings date
i could see he was disappointed
i wondered about his fate
he asked if i had a cigarette
i felt guilty for having quit
he looked at his tank, saw his gas running low
he said i hope this isn't it
as he rolled up his window
and his face began to fall
he said if it wasn't for bad luck
I'd have no luck at all.

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