Thursday, May 22, 2008

She's my girl

She came from a little
New England suburb,
Not to far from the city
Her summer spent with friends
Nothing but good times
And that is when she met me
A shocking summer journey,
Driving in her Cherokee.
They say she’s my trophy,
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.
I saw her walk in
And thought nothing off it
With the stereo
Playing Jimmy Buffet.
My roommate’s guest
Was being neglected
He wasn’t pursuing
She wasn’t effected
I entertained her
I talked and got to know her
He says she’s my trophy
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.
Beauty as pure
As the freshly fallen snow
A sweet girl
She kept things between us slow
Guys like me
Don’t get girls like her
Nice guys get
Left behind in the blur
They say she’s my trophy
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.
Now she’s gone,
I’m here without her
She’s staying in Boulder
Thinking about her
Dealing with lost love
Life is a little colder
Memories grace my thought
Her love my heart
She will always remain my
Only sweetheart
They say she’s my trophy
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.

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