Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The sun shines strong
Over fields of snow.
School is closed.
Kids have nowhere to go.
Building snow forts,
Making snow balls,
Throwing them at each other,
Trying to break down the walls.
Making a snowman,
All help put it together.
It begins to melt
Because of warmer weather.
The snow melts and spring tolls on it
Animals start to move,
The rains now begin.
Washing away the snow,
Revitalizing the earth,
The rebirth of a cycle,
For all that its worth.
Flowers start to bloom.
The grass begins to grow.
Summer is coming
And everyone knows.
Swimming and sailing
Water skiing too.
Summer's end draws near,
With so much to do.
The leaves start changing.
Fall is near.
It's time to get ready.
Soon it'll be here.
Fall is here and gone
As fast as any other,
With winter following
The final brother.
The completion of a cycle
All four seasons done.
Then end of the year
The next has just begun.

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