Monday, August 11, 2008

Coney Island

So it was everything I expected... a scene straight out of the Five People You Meet on the Way to Heaven... The theme park looked like it was burned down years ago and rebuilt on the ashes, exactly the same way... it was an old park... Dave, Sandra, Jane and I drove down there Saturday morning, Dave and Sandra were originally going to ride there bikes, but as they were about to join Jane and I for breakfast, they were cut off on Hight Ridge Road and dropped their bikes... needless to say, after breakfast, we ditched the bikes at my place and I drove down. We didn't exactly know how to get there, but did manage to figure it out on the fly. We parked in this lot right next to Nathan's and then walked around... We opted to start with hitting a few rides.... Before we got to the Cyclone, we saw this guy who could very well have been the Coney Island Viking, dancing in the street.

From there we hopped in line at the Cyclone. There was an interesting sign... hold on to your wigs... I must say, when we got off this ride, I was beat up. They offer a reride for $5, and if you say no, as you get closer to the door, they drop the price to $2...

From their Jane and Sandra went on this Pirate Boat ride... Dave and I kicked back and watched.

Before moving on, we stopped for a little Italian Ice, I had the lemon flavor.

On the drive from the house to the diner before we left... jane and I were joking about how easy it is to confuse organism and orgasm.. and then we saw this guy's shirt... :)

After this we went on the Break Dance. It is the one that blasts the music as you spin around... I loved it!!!

After the rides we walked down the boardwalk for a little bit... smiles all around... well almost. Ok, now this is a little better. Aren't we a cute couple?

We tried to get lunch at Nathan's, but the lines were we got dogs at a chicagoan dog place next door... we thought to oursleves great no lines... that is until we got there... The power went out while he was cooking our food, and he had to go in back and kick the generator.. it was interesting.

Before leaving we stopped by the side show / Freak show. We saw a fire eater, a snake charmer who can also channel electricity while sitting in an electric chair..., A little sword swallowing,

On the way we stopped at a cemetary fro Dave to visit his grandmother, but got their a minute or two before it closed, and get hurried out by the grounds keeper. So we figured we'd try and find our way to the grounds of the worlds fair... yeah right... not with a Met's game...

Sunday Jane and I just kicked back.. cleaned a bit, and as a tribute to our Coney Island visit yesterday... Watched "The Warriors"...

Friday, August 8, 2008

7-28 Day 10 in Ecuador and back home again

5:25 am

I am waiting a few minutes now for my ride to get here. In the mean time, some breakfast. I caught a little bit of a movie lastnight with Andy Garcia about an artist and his feud with Picasso. I added it to my netflix list.

6:42 am

I am at the Diners Clup VIP lounge at the airport. They charge you $15 to get in here, but I can grab breakfast watch a little TV, and just relax until my flight.

Artist - ManRigue

Book: Ecuadorian Ghost Stories - Mario Conde

5:26 PM

Las Ecuador trip entry. So I am on my last flight heading to LGA, probabley 40-50 minutes away, I wasn't going to write more but, I had to note my last flight, I was blown away that kids were sitting on their parents laps during take off and landing. This is so unsafe, and what makes matters worse was the child in front of me had a parent whou couldn't get it to stop screaming. The kid was maybe 3 years old. If you can't control your kid, find another way to travel with them. And on a last note, while I did very well all week avoiding travel sickness, I managed to get a stomach thing today, last night too I think. Not a big deal, but... makes flying interesting.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

7-27 Day 9 in Ecuador and the Galapagos

7:15 am

Back from North Seymour Island a 6:00 am wake up. I slept from around 9:30 pm until our wake up this morning. We went to North Seymour Island. On the island we saw the Great Frigate Bird, Pelicans, Swallow Tale Gulls, Nesting Frigates looking for mates, A few Land Iguanas that were apparently transferred here by scientists when building the airport on Baltra during WWII, nesting Boobies whose babies are born a few days apart and often one will eat their fill before the second, and leave nothing for the second younger one to eat, effectively killing him, usually just the older one survives, and lastly there are Pelicans. Now we head to Baltra where I intend to do a little shopping before we depart, we should have ample time for that. I must go finish packing now.

12:06 pm

On the plane now, we should hit Quito at roughly 4pm local time. So this morning we left the boat around 8ish for the airport. I remember looking back and knowing this trip will stay with me. When we got there, they had put me on 1:30 flight while most of my group was on that flight, it just wouldn’t do for me. So I told them I had a connecting Flight in Quito that required me to be on the earlier flight. I do so in hopes of getting back in time for a quick tour of the old city. We’ll see if my driver remembers. After checking in, I did a little shopping and bought another t-shirt because I think I am all out of clean ones. I do have a tank top, but we’ll see. Last night it must have been that I was used to the motor, because I slept like a baby from around 9:30 until 6:00 am, so refreshing. My only complaint is that it feels like all you do is travel, fly there, overnight boat here, dinghy there, but I guess I expected that. The airport on Baltra was interesting. It was built by the US Air Force during World War II, probably for the Japanese front, but I will need to do more research about that to confirm. The Land Iguanas we found on North Seymour were actually originally from Baltra, but were moved by scientists and servicemen as the airport was built. At the airport, I also picked up a cool map of the island and a little pipe as well as a polo shirt for the Galapagos National Park.

This is crazy, but as I am writing this in my journal, the woman in front of me is bouncing up and down in her chair, and telling me to stop shaking her chair. Honestly now, we are all in here together and I tell her all I am doing is writing in my journal. She stops, and I begin to write again and all of a sudden she starts up again, at this point, a little annoyed, I “politely” remind her that she is not the only one on the plane, and that I am not going to stop writing because it shakes her chair too much.

Looks like they are about to serve lunch, so I will write more in Quito. Last count on the boat:

5 Danes
1 Swede
3 from Michigan
1 Kiwi
1 Brit
And me

Things to look up and learn about – Stadiums in Quito.

6:00 pm (approximately)

I got to the hotel an hour ago, changed and checked my email. On the way from the airport to the hotel, I met up with a couple from San Diego. They are going to meet me here shortly and we are going to get some dinner at a cafe with some great views. Their names are George and Lata. Tomorrow is another early wake up 5:00 am. I need to be up and out for my flight. I can hardly believe this is my last day. Unfortunately I lack the time to really see Quito, but hopefully I will have the opportunity to come back. Quito is quite a bit cooler than the islands and feels like almost a difference of 10-15 degrees. I am looking forward to two things… Jane and a hot shower.

8:54 pm

Things to look up:
The Basilica
Plaza Grande
The Virgin Mary

There is a family here at the hotel getting ready to head to the Galapagos, so I told them about Lonesome George and assured them that is a trip they will not soon forget. So I am back where I started, a nice English looking hotel, Brownie was in the court yard, the owners, husband and wife, are having dinner chatting away with the dinner guests.

George and Lata are great, they are friends of 7 years and met in Boston, but now live in San Diego. He is a pediatrician, she is an anesthesiologist.

We had dinner at a restaurant that looked over much if Quito. After dinner we decided to tale a quick drive around the old city. We saw the Basilica, Plaza Grande where the president lives. Apparently you can make an appointment with El Prisdente to talk. Imagine if that were the case in the U.S.? From there we drove up to the Virgin Mary. You can climb up inside of it, kind of like the Statue of Liberty. I must do a little research on these. They seem so interesting. So for now, I will enjoy a hot shower. I hope. And so to bed for my 5:00 am wake up. I did take some photos of the city from the restaurant where I had a great churasco steak, fried egg, and these potato cakes that were quite good. Ironically, the place was mostly Greek and American food, so the closest thing to Ecuadorian food is what I ordered. Well, shower time.

9:47 pm

OK so I think I may have officially used all of the hotel’s hot water. Oh to have a proper shower. It is nice to be really clean… Now I am off to bed. Zzzzzzzzz.

7-26 Day 8 in the Galapagos

7:30 am
Los Lobos Island

We are having breakfast now, we just returned to the boat from Los Lobos Island. This is one of the older island and as a whole, the archipelago moves 5 centimeters per year east towards South America, with older ones at risk of eroding away. When we landed at Los Lobos we saw many things, I can finally understand why people say you get tired of the sea lions, the island is covered with them, we also saw some young boobies. Their feet are normally grayish when they are young. There were many sea lion pups as well. The marine iguanas were so cold this morning that instead of laying on the rocks for warmth, you could see them hiding under them to stay warm. There were also a handful of frigates around, while we eat breakfast, the boat will head on to Sante Fe Island, we will do lunch at noon and from there a wet landing where we will see Land Iguanas and Giant Cactus, I can’t wait for the Land Iguanas. The more I see on these Islands, the more I seem to be drawn to them. Like Darwin before me, I am blown away by the experience and perhaps this will shape my thoughts much as it did his, from an unfortunate distance. Larry said it best when I asked if he would come back, said “yes, this place is enchanting”, as we now sail on the Encantada.

1:50 pm
Sante Fe Island

We will be snorkeling at two and then a land tour.

7:00 pm

Snorkeling was cool, we went of the dingy in two spots, managed to see some great fish and a tortoise. We also got to swim with 4 sea lions. Truly amazing, I only hope that my underwater photos come out. After that we came back to the boat for an hour or so before we were set to head back. We opted for a jump from the top deck. It was fun, yet again in our group of 12, only one or other did it with me, although a third did it later when we returned to the boat.

After we landed on Santa Fe Island, we found ourselves yet again in the middle of a sea lion colony. We spent a little time there before hiking along the island. I realized we have hiked an average of 2 miles a day since getting here. On the way in we saw a Hawk with another bird in his claws, as well as a white tipped reef shark. The cacti here are twice as tall as a man or higher, quite impressive. We also saw our first Galapagos Snake and Land Iguana, but out attention was quickly stolen by a Rice Rat who was busy at work eating a lava lizard. Awesome. From there we saw more and more sea lions; There was a cool sea lion skull that I was able to photograph though.

This is our last night before heading home in the morning, but first one more island, North Seymour Island. It is a 6am wake up.

What will I miss, damn, everything, all the islands, animals, the boat, guides, passengers. This place will stay with me forever. I was told if I return to the islands, my guide will name one after me, Isle Miguelito.

What am I looking forward to most? Nothing more than a nice hot shower… and Jane… Heaven. :)

So I am off to pack. We are filling out some paperwork now and then….. One thing I will saw, food was tremendous, and they did their best to cater to each of our eating habits, even providing me with cheese less versions of some of our food.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

7-25 Day 7 in the Galapagos

6:45 am

Espanola Island (Hood)

I went to bed last night around 8:30-9:00. I put in my ear plugs and tried as hard as I could to fall asleep amid the waves I feared would throw me from my bed. Soon as dinner finished we began our journey to Espanola. This morning, we will be in Punta Suarez, and this afternoon in Gardner Bay. We will go on a nice long hike this morning with snorkeling and free time after lunch to visit the sea lion colony. I am contemplating a swim right now. Maybe after breakfast I’ll jump in before changing into clean clothes.

11:00ish am

We just got back from Puerto Suerez where we hiked around the island and were able to see a number of cool birds. We saw Blue Footed Boobies, the Albatross which is an omen of a good journey, the Masked Boobie, the Darwin Finch, a mocking bird, and of course sea lions, crabs, marine iguanas, we all saw the blow hole which was quite cool as well. The hike was around 1 mile, and took nearly 3 hours because of all the stops and the very rocky terrain. Sometimes through the blow hole, iguanas will shoot out, affectionately called “flying iguanas”.

At 1pm after lunch we will go to Gardner Bay for snorkeling until around 3:00 pm.

Books to get : ISBN # 0-300-08864-7

Birds, mammals, and reptiles of the Galapagos Islands: an Identification guide.
Andy Swash and Rob Still with illustrations by Ian Levington


Back on the boat, we went snorkeling at Gardner Bay, saw a Manta Ray, others saw sharks, but I didn’t, just more of the same fish. On the beach was a sea lion colony. They were cool, I managed to see 2 males fight for position on the beach. I took a bunch pf photos of this, and the winner got to bask in the sun.

Larry and I spoke for a bit about out travels, and he said Iceland was his favorite. I must see it sometime. Now with the sails up, (and the motor running because there isn’t much wind in the islands) we are heading to Isle Los Lobos where we will go ashore. Lobos means lion in Spanish. Hopefully on the way we will see some whales perhaps.

10:17 pm

In bed, and there were no whales. Tomorrow morning is a 5:45 am wake up. This afternoon I spent most of my time reading Dexter. I am almost finished. I stopped right before dinner. Dinner was prawns with rice and mashed potatoes. I also had my first Inca Cola, actually my first soda since coming to the islands, except for the sprite on Isabella. It was weird, like a vanilla lemonade. I saw the sunset from the deck tonight before dinner as well. Beautiful.

7-24 Day 6 in the Galapagos

8:00 am

Floreana Island (Santa Maria)

I didn’t sleep well last night after dinner. Halfway through the night I found my ear plugs and was a happy camper.

Breakfast and wake up were at 7:00 am to the sound of the bell ringing. We got up for breakfast then to a quick swim to freshen up of the stern of the boat. No good showers on board. When I went to dive off the boat, we had a sea lion on the deck. I jumped right after the sea lion swam away.

From there we chose our snorkeling gear for after lunch as we got ready to leave for Post Office Bay. My hope is to find some mail for a traveler in Connecticut that I can deliver for them, from there some snorkeling after lunch.

1:30ish pm

This morning we took the dinghy to the shore and went to the “post office”. I picked up a postcard for someone in CT. I left one for my parents and one for Jane and Bentley, from there we hiked to another lava tube. Turns out it was a cave. As we hiked back into the cave there was water. The guide and I went a ways in, but no one else joined us. Pity. We then made our way back down to the beach for a bit of snorkeling. We saw some amazing fish, I believe a Parrot Fish, a Moray Eel hiding in the rocks, a Sea Lion joined us for a minute and swam off. I also saw 5 Sea Tortoises, big ones, and would dive down to see them and swim along side. I again took off with the guide snorkeling and he showed me all kinds of fish. We got back to the boat and had the closest thing we can to a shower, 15 seconds in the fresh water hose on the stern of the boat. There were some cookies and crackers for us while we wait for lunch. On our way to the next port on Floreana. We saw a pod of Humpback Whales, a male, female and baby. It is amazing, these guides see this every day and they are cheering as much as we are. Snapping pictures of the Humpbacks as they breach the surface, baring their white chests in an amazing display of acrobatics, water splashing 15ft in the air, only to leave behind a flat calm spot where they reenter the water. Even though I have seen this before off Cape Cod, this is magical. Right now we are just sitting here watching the Humpback show.

5:57 pm

After a rest on the boat, I did manage to nap a bit, we went out to snorkel at Devil’s Crown. The tide was very strong and we did a lot of drifting with them. We saw a number of great fish, a starfish, another sea tortoise and a manta ray. We even dove under the rocks and into an opening at the crown. From there we returned to the boat for a bit before heading back to the Floreana beach where we hiked across the island to a tortoise nesting site. I was saddened to see a sea lion that appeared to have been attacked by a shark. His tail was bitten off. There were three crab nests right next to the body, which allowed them easy access to feast on the carcass for some time. On the way back, we stopped to see the flamingos feeding on krill. This is what gives them their pink color.

The boat is moving now, not quite sure I know where to, not quite sure I care either. When we got back, they had another snack waiting for us, fried mashed plantain and fried mashed yucca roots shaped like dumplings with honey. They were delicious.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

7-23 Day 5 in the Galapagos

5:15 am

For dinner last night we had a piece of salmon, unfortunately I could not enjoy the desert though. I opted for some fruit. We talked for a bit and then played a little more 31. We were asleep by 10pm or so for our early departure. I feel like I am wearing the same clothe, or maybe it is just that all my clothes are a bit salty from the air that gives everything the feeling of being dirty. So I woke up this morning, said goodbye to the beach of Isabella, am boarding the bus now for the 2.5 hour return boat ride to Santa Cruz. I did manage to score some fresh sweet bread from the bakery for a snack before we go.

10:00 am

We are stopping for breakfast now, the ferry ride was another long three hours, I sat in the back and was soaked. There was no sunrise to day, it seemed like it basically went from dark to light. Behind the boat, the water shot up like an exploding volcano of water. I will miss the Island of Isabella. The lave tube, and being in the water with the Marine Iguanas swimming over head. The ride back was rough, we had a person get sea sick again.

The name of the town was Puerta Villa Mil on Isabella.

Larry suggested I listen to Jordan Rudess, he was the keyboard player for Dream Theater, Liquid Tenyson, Brand X.

11:45 am

The port we are at on Santa Cruz is Puerto Ayora. I did a little shopping and went to the fish market where the pelicans eagerly awaited scraps. The men right outside the restaurant were hard at work on a cool mini park. A large wind mill powered an old fashioned farm water spout, the kind with the big handle for well water. The spout would spew water into a wading pool to fill 3 levels of fountain with water that on each level had cactus plants. It was quite beautiful.

4:10 pm

This afternoon we saw Lonesome George He is the last tortoise of his species. Apparently 2 days ago they found a nest of eggs. He mated with a tortoise that is 96% the same species as him and there were 3 viable eggs. In 120 days we will see how many hatch. At that time maybe he will have a few offspring. At 6pm we will meet again to go to the Encantada.

7:45 pm

We are on the Encantada. We got to the boat around 6pm. As soon as we were settles, I jumped in the water. There is nothing better than that late afternoon swim, when the cool air makes the water feel that much warmer. We hung for a bit before a dinner of grilled tuna and potatoes. We discussed the next day’s itinerary and then went our separate ways. Perhaps I can organize a card game tonight, share the game of 31 that I have just learned. So I went on deck for a few minutes and there were boats everywhere. There is a little cloud cover, so it is tough to see the stars. I can’t wait, tomorrow we will swim with sharks and sea lions. I can’t wait, Floriana, here we come!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

7-22 Day 4 in the Galapagos

7:15 AM

I find that I am at a complete loss for the date. I asked Yus last night when we were at the grocery store getting snacks for our trek up the volcano. He didn't know either. Last night we has "Table Steak" for dinner, we weren't alone though because a group of around 40 high school were here with us. The steak was weird looking. It looked like it has eyes. Afterwards my fellow travelers taught me a game called 31. You only use the cards 7-Ace and the point is to get all suited or 3 of a kind. The best is Ace and 2 face cards suited for 31 points. Three of a kind is 30.5 pts, and then you add up your points for suited only, the point is to not lose. The loser puts a chip in the middle. Then the first one out is the donkey. and he keeps playing until knocked out a second time. The 2nd person out is out, and does not get a second go round. It is a fun game, winner takes all.

This morning I woke up refreshed. Last night I was able to get some aloe from Larry because my neck was burned, and I was able to sleep my best yet. This morning I was even lucky enough to have a good shower because I managed to score some hot water. Not an easy task here.

Today we will go to the volcano, I am told it is the second largest caldera in the world. It is a bit windy though and over cast. So it could be tough to see much. In the first 2 days I have taken over 100 pictures. I just hope I don't run out of space on the camera. Our journey will start with a bus ride of 1 hour, then it is horseback and another 45 minutes hike to the top, on the way back we stop for bbq chicken and mashed potatoes, today will be a good day.

Some time between 8 and 9 am
We are on a bus to the volcano base and it is amazing how the vegetation gets much more dense as we climb higher. It is quite amazing how quickly we go from barren land to fields to rain forest.

12:15 pm
The horse was not bad, Yus's horse went down, and they had to give him another. Right now I am on the peak of one of the craters on Sierra Negra. Two people we met up with recommended a BBC special on the Galapagos. The whole ride up we got wet riding up into the cloud cover. Two hours on horseback and then 45 minutes hike across the center of the crater. There are many different lava here. The black lava in the crater was 3 yrs old, and there is lava closer to the peak that is 30 yrs old. They say evolution killed some Land Iguanas because they were caught in the lava flow here. Now they no longer live here.

The crater name is "Por Con Chico"

Walking across the crater, it looks like what I picture the moon to be. Barren cratered nothingness covered by lava rocks that are both sharp and brittle, we even got to see some steam vents.

approx 3:00 pm
On the way back from the crater, Larry's horse slipped and fell, he fell of hurting his shoulder, but appears to be ok. I thought the ride back was more dangerous because the roads were wet and muddy.

After the ride we stopped for lunch at the tortoise farm for BBQ. The food was really good, but we were swarmed by fly all during dinner. We had more fruit for dessert as well.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7-21 Day 3 in the Galapagos

7:10 am

Didn't sleep well last night, but I did get a nap in the afternoon for an hour or so. Last night we had dinner, it was some kind of fish with rice, it was very good. At dinner, we talked about where we are all from. Right now there are five of us. Four men, 1 woman. They are a young couple from Amsterdam. She is German, and he is actually from Amsterdam. She is a student, he works for a coffee shop in Amsterdam. (Cafe=coffee, coffee shop=weed). The oldest guy in our group is "Larry" the postman from Sweden. He talked a lot about his travels. He gets 6 weeks vacation per year, and he can carry over 2 of those weeks. He told me that one year, he carried over two weeks and took November and December off, as well as January and half of February because he get his vacation time at the start of the year. On that trip he had gone too a restaurant for dinner, and the portion was to large, he only ate a third or so of it. He asked for a doggy bag to take it with him. Realizing he would never finish it, he offered it to two homeless people outside the restaurant, they in turn graciously accepted, but made a small request "can you buy us a coke to have with it?" He obliged.

The last person Jurs is from Denmark, he is a finance guy who is trying to keep up his English. Nice guy, says being away from work allows him to slow his thinking to the important things like eating, sleeping, and "bathroom".

After dinner we walk down to the town square for snacks to take with us today and a drink. The waitress, who affectionately referred to everyone as "oh my loved one" made a silly remark about my order of a sprite while everyone grabbed a beer. It took a while before I could find out what she said about me, she said "only a sprite for a big man like you?" Doesn't sound like much,but she said with gusto...

Oh well, breakfast is fruit and what I think are soft boiled eggs, today we have our first excursion. We had fresh papaya and guava juice too.

We will be swimming with sea lions, penguins, and sharks.

12:00 PM

I finally understand how Darwin felt. We took a small boat to an island for our first walking tour of the Galapagos right in the harbor for Isabella. When we hit the little dock there was a baby sea lion sitting there in the sun. He was such a ham.... from there we walked along the island of black volcanic rock. It looked as Darwin described it. No life, just rock and coral, but as we walked slowly you began to see the rocks come alive. These marine iguanas blend with the rock so well that at first it is easy to pass them by, then suddenly something moves and you begin to see dozens of them on the rocks, that is once you know how to spot them. Even now as I lay in this hammock by the beach near my hotel, the Hotel Volcano, you see dozens of them come on shore from their morning meal at the sea bed. Even as I write this, there is an average size one, around 20-22 inches watching me as the younger smaller iguanas move up from the surf. Perhaps they should be more concerned with the frigate birds and pelicans. Back to our walk, even before the island, we had our first look at the Blue Footed Boobies and Galapagos Penguins. The island had a trail that we followed that led us to a nesting ground for Iguanas where the babies are just beginning their life, and then on to sea lions nursing their young, amazing. From their we went snorkeling and right away found two tortoises in the middle of the inlet we went to. I swam to the far side of the inlet and found myself swimming in the middle of an underwater valley, and there were 6 male Marine Iguanas swimming by. It was truly amazing to see these tings most people only see on the Imax.

So now we will eat 1pm and then off again at 2, perhaps if time permits, we will snorkel again after the tour.

Lunch was weird, we had carrot soup with popcorn... you actually put popcorn in your soup... it was good. Lunch was chicken and potatoes.

Stops along the way :

Tortoise Breeding Park

Their was a cool wall we saw out on Isabella called Wall of Tears. Prisoners were brought here and given meaningless tasks to break their will. They built this for fifteen years. These prisoners were the most dangerous ones they had.

Ok so it seems everywhere we go in this little bus (they use it to take the kids to school too... I seem to smack my head over and over again on the roof.

I saw my first lava tube... it is amazing when you get there knowing that this is formed by molten lava, it is unreal... there are tons of Marine Iguanas around.

I was told I need to check out a Spanish cartoon called "Mafalda"

Monday, July 28, 2008

7-20 Day 2 in Ecuador and the Galapagos

7/20 - 7:10 am

So I am at another airport, Waiting for my 8:45 flight to the Galapagos. After blogging last night, I went to bed, or at least tried to. I had a 6am wake up call, but I didn't need it. I slept for maybe an hour or two at most last night. Small room, not very quiet and maybe the elevation, 3000 meters, I think he said, the air feels a little different, heavier, its an odd sensation. So I am hungry and didn't have a clue what to order because everythingon the menu has cheese in it. I spoke with my driver and he said he might be able to get me a 3 hour tour of Quito when I get back. Would love to take some pictures before returning.

9:05 am -> Galapagos bound
Thought--- You ever look out the window on a plane and wonder if you can walk on the clouds?

This just came to me... with what little sleep I had last night, I dreamt that I drove by a burning building with the second floor on fire. I didn't call the fire department, I assumed they were on the way. Instead, I stopped to shoot the fire. It was beautiful, towers of flames, bright red, orange, and white spikes danced in the wind above the building. So beautiful, yet, so destructive. The very essence of man, beautiful creatures that in their ignorance, are horribly destructive.

So now we are in the approach, listening to conversations around me, I really wish I understood Spanish. First impression, more houses and move developed than I expected... more later.

Odd saw a USAF plane on the landing strip... OK not crazy, this is Guayaquil

OK now we are on approach to the Galapagos, the stewardesses sprayed something along the bags to kill any bugs that aren't native to the islands.

Initial thoughts on Baltra - The airport was so small that we did a u-turn and taxied all the way back to the gate.

I noticed that there are no cars on the island, trucks bikes and motorcycles...

We went to the surf shop where we will get the boat from. We waited for two more travelers then headed to lunch. I am having octopus cervici.

After lunch we got a water taxi to take us from Baltra to Isabella. a 3 hour speedboat ride. I must say, it was brutal, one of the guys almost suffered dehydration from seasickness on the ride.

Coming into Isabella was tough. A maze of volcanic rock to navigate on your way to port. I should probably sleep right now... but I may be to excited.

This is heaven right? I am laying here on a hammock, waves crashing to my left over the volcanic rock that has pushed itself up from under the beach. A nice light breeze, but enough to carry the sea spray up and over the beach at the far side of the break. A dozen people are playing volleyball just beyond a beach side bar called the Iguana. You would hardly recognize this island for what it really is, or at least not yet you wouldn't. I must say, there is nothing more relaxing then a hammock, a light breeze, and the ocean.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

7-19 Door to Door - My first day in Quito

First i want to say that I have been writing all day and the times on here are from when I started... also, please excuse the typos (George) as I am on a Spanish keyboard, and it is a little bit different than I am used to, not to mention that because internet explorer is in Spanish, they don´t have the spell check available for English, so I will spell check it when I get home.... that being said... Door to Door, my first day in Quito

10:30 am July 19, 2008

So Jane left two days ago, and now it is my turn to leave. Right now she is on her way to Entebbe in Uganda from Amsterdam for her conference with her parents, I start this with a mention of her, only because, well she was the first thing I though of, even before I thought about what I was going to see today. Jane, I miss you :)... Right now I am in Miami Florida and am waiting for my flight to Quito. From there I have a 7am pick up to take me to the airport for my trip to the Galapagos Islands. In the airport, it is funny, every time you travel, you see the same travelers. For example, there is always that one girl who insists on having her boyfriend take pictures of her and her lap dog, that is, not before she holds the camera in front of the dog packed away in her Prada bag and snaps a shot. So before leaving this morning I saw these two courting birds, regulars on the back deck of our freshly painted condo. Going through their morning hellos. They have this ritualistic necking dance they do that ends with their beaks meeting and the negative space outlined by there two bodies formed the shape of a heart. I thought that was quite beautiful, again makes me you Jane :), but I will see her when I get back, or at least the day after when she gets back. So here I sit belly full of greasy bacon, powered eggs that made the Sahara look like a rain forest, and a hash brown that tasted like a hockey puck at the only place that served a meal they could call breakfast. The place looked like it used to be a bar... but there was no alcohol. We all know I don´t drink, but I found myself having a mamosa (with cran in stead of orange juice) after my breakfast... shocking i know... hopefully it will help me fall asleep on the first flight. I am going to put my feet up now and play a little PSP....

3:25 PM
OK I just sat down on my connecting flight in Miami... I managed to score the exit row... when I intrigued abut getting away from the middle seat they gave me this... I didn´t even think to ask since it was 10 minutes before boarding... nice. I love the extra leg room and was lucky enough to have a small person next to me so I should have plenty of room.

So the final leg on my approach to Ecuador, and I am sharing a plane with 40 members of a southern church group from Alabama all wearing bright yellow t-shirts that said "Pon Tu Confianzaen Jesuscristo" on the back and "Dios Le Bendiga" on the front. I am not sure what the back said... but it appears the front means... God Blesses him... well at least if I am going to go down... I have a bunch of god lovers on here so maybe he'll spare me...

So I am flying to a country where I know barely enough of the language to get my ass kicked or find a bathroom... I should have paid more attention to those Spanish lessons at DHS. The plane has been playing music over their speaker and it has been unbelievable eclectic... in fact right now they are playing Jack Johnson... I believe the song is "upside down"... when I get to Quito... I am going to try and find a cab to drive me around the city a little to take some pictures if it is still light... cross your fingers.

What am I most looking forward too... I think the moment I get off the third flight tomorrow and land on Isabella Island apparently it is a rather small aircraft that will get us to the island, and I am not sure what to expect from the airport there... one of the volcano´s erupted on the island in May, apparently this island has some of the most active volcano´s anywhere in the world... that should be amazing as we hike up to check out the cones... so I just learned we are getting an extra hour when we get there... Ecuador doesn´t subscribe to day light savings... they are not east coast time in the summer, but central time in Quito. 3hrs and 38 minutes from Miami to Quito... temp 68 degrees... (90 in Florida when i left and 90 in Stamford...)

Just a side note... Airports have the coolest trucks on the tarmac...

8:04 In the hotel....
Here is a link to the hotel:

I am in the hotel now... this hotel is quaint... the owner is a British woman whose daughter came down here a yr ago... her the woman and her husband, both retired, came down to visit and fell in love with the city, so they bought the hotel and moved here for good. The British woman is married to an Italian man, and they are sitting right next to me having there dinner as I eat mine. Sorry Jeff and Steph, no photos, but it is a delicious grilled salmon with ginger and soya sauce. Ok first impressions of Quito... we were in approach, it was already dark as we descended through the clouds to a valley between a few mountains to see the coolest array of city lights I think I have ever seen. I have always loved flying into a city at night... I had hoped to hop in a cab to do some shooting tonight, I suppose I have to hope for some time on the return to Quito The hotel is beautiful as I sit here eating my salmon dinner, I look around... the hotel is not what I expected... I feel like I am staying in an old fashioned English inn... The rooms are small, but I am not sure you are expected to spend much time in them here... seems to be set up more as a social setting... They have a wonderful patio area with a gorgeous pet rabbit who is quite friendly... he came right up to me a nuzzled against my leg so I would pet him. His name is brownie, and apparently he is 7 years old. When the couple bought the hotel, they bought the rabbit two with the condition that the rabbit would never end up "in the pot". Apparently Brownie has free reign and can often be found hopping about inside the hotel and the restaurant as well.

My guide will pick me up in the morning 6:45am... woo hoo... On the way to the hotel he gave me a little info about the city... ***warning educational material*** the city of Quito has around 2.1 million people in an area not much different in size than NYC... not too many people compared to what we a reused to being near NYC... it is basically broken down into three sections... the poor section, the wealthy section near the old city, and the downtown area which is where the hotel is. I was also told there is a section of bars down the street the locals refer to as "gringoville" hhhmmm I wonder what they could mean by that..... I was told not to walk down there if I decide to go tonight (obviously I am not since I am here typing away) but it is only a $1 cab ride to go. I even overheard the owners daughter saying she was going down there but would not walk the three or four blocks because it is a rough neighborhood to walk there.

Anyway... this is it for now... hope you all sleep well tonight... I know I will... Adios!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Son Was Born - (unfinished)

(Verse 1)
A son was born
Just a few days ago
He also has a brother
He will get to know
Everyone loves him
He gets all the attention
Now between he and I
Is all the tension
Today he walked
For the very first time
I wasn't with him
'Cuz we still have a lifetime.
(Verse 2)
My brother turned eight
Just a few days ago
He had a big party
And he asked me to go
I didn't have time
So I blew him off
I walked away
And just had to laugh
My reasons to leave
I didn't defend
'Cuz we can still be together
Until the end
(Chorus 1)
(Verse 3)
Time has moved on
He's grown so fast
I didn't spend much time with him
In our unfriendly past
He's grown up now
He's allowed to drive
He's got his license now
I'm just glad he's alive
He's always out parting
With one of his friends
Drinking and driving
Catering to local trends
I try to talk to him
Tell him what he's doing
I want him to realize
It's his life he's screwing
(Chorus 2)
I know what I've done
And we have to talk
But every time I try
You get up and walk
What I'm saying
Is not a crock
Just remember your life
Isn't solid as a rock
(Verse 4)
He's 18 now
He's got the right to vote
I can't tell him how to live
But I'll drop him a note
I'll tell him
That I wasn't a brother
The worst part is
I wasn't even a significant other
I try to tell him
To slow down
Wake up
You don't have to be a class clown
If you'd stop and think
About what's going on
You have to be careful
It won't be safe at dawn
I say this to my brother
And he leaves in a fit of rage
He leaves like a restrained animal
Being released from its cage
I try to stop him
I'm afraid of where he will go
Probably out drinking
With his good friend Joe
He says not to worry
He won't be gone to long
He's done it before
He says nothings wrong
(Chorus 2)
I know what I've done
And we have to talk
But every time I try
You get up and walk
What I'm saying
Is not a crock
Just remember your life
Isn't solid as a rock
(Verse 5)
It's been a while
I haven't seen him all day
The phone rings, its Joe
I can't stand to hear what he's to say
My brother's been in a car accident
He was driving drunk
He wasn't thinking straight
And crashed into a tree trunk
I arrived at the hospital
To seem my brother looking bad
I had such high hopes
For this high school grad
I sit down beside him
Trying to remember the good times
There were none, the way we
Treated each other was a crime
It hurts to look at him
I don't know what to say
He's totally oblivious
In the emergency room where he lay
If he survives
Things will have to change
I'll have to try
Though it'll seem so strange
I don't know what I'll do
If he isn't to live
For the way I treated him
Myself I couldn't forgive
If he gets better
Things'll change
Our lives will have
To be rearranged
(Chorus 3)
(Verse 6A)
Doctors say he won't live
But I'm still hoping
I can't believe that
I've been such a dope
He's moving his fingers
He's waking up
He's still alive
And he's getting up
The doctors walk in
They are glad for what they see
Him waking up
Me giving him an apology
All will be well
He knows how luck he was
He'll change his way
And watch what he does
I finally have a brother
Who I care for
Together we will walk
Through all of life's doors
(Chorus 3A)
(Verse 7A)
It's been a long time
We get along so well
No more fighting each other
No longer do we have each other to rebel
(Chorus 4A)
Doctors say he won't live
But I'm still hoping
I can't believe that
I've been such a dope
He's moving his fingers
He's waking up
His eyes are open
And he's getting up
The doctors walk in
They are glad for what they see
Him waking up
Me giving him an apology
He accepts and says thanks
For he too was wrong
Sorry that things weren't different
He said to always remain strong
As he said that
His body went stiff
He closed his eyes
I felt like jumping off a cliff
He's dead now
But at least I was there with him
In his last few minutes
We became brothers that were genuine
(Chorus 3B)
(verse 7B)
It has been a few years
I have a new brother now
I won't let it happen again
Things'll be right this time around.
(Chorus 4B)

(Variation of Chorus 3)
I was right
Your not made of stone
This is your life
That you've blown
But from now on
Your life is your own
Yet I want you to know
Of what you did I don't condone

(Variation of Chorus 1)
Why do you hang
All round me and my friends
To the moon and back
You I'd like to send
You know why reasons
Myself I won't defend.

Go Away

Go away
Stay away
Come back another day
I've got a new love now
Stop knocking at my door
Stop crying at my floor
Stop begging for my love
I've got a new love now

I met her in the park
Sitting by the lakes bank
We sat and talked a while
She was as innocent as a child

I whispered in her ear
That I had no fear
I told her all bout you
And how I knew I felt
I told her 'bout the fight
And I wanted to be with her that night

So, go away
Stay away
Come back another day
I've got a new love now
Stop knocking at my door
Stop crying at my floor
Stop begging for my love
I've got a new love now
And it's going great
I couldn't ask for me
She's perfect for me
And I know it has to be
I spend all my time with her
We do everything together


This poem I wrote
Is really all mine
You might want to read it
Line by line
I love your face
I love your smile
Your beauty has a place
in my memory's files
We pass in the hall
Just after period A
I watch you go by
Almost every day
The time has come
When I must go
But here's my number
Seven nine one five oh
PS don't hesitate to ask
If you need another ride
It would be my pleasure
To give you another ride
Don't forget
To give me a call sometime
This is the end of my poem
The end of my rhyme

Unnamed - 1993

It happened 50 years ago
An enormous catastrophe
The world remained quiet
And so came the great tragedy
It won't be soon forgotten
Nor would we want it to be
It affected us all
Affecting our being free
Eleven million people killed
By a man preaching hate
Now living in Hell's inferno
Living out his personal fate
He has long since past
But his legacy lives on
Minorities still discriminated
Just as he had done
All men are created equal
Thomas Jefferson did say
But when will it all stop
When will those feelings go away


You are my Juliet
As I am your Romeo.
To the end of the earth
For you I'd go.
As you know they
Died for love.
I want peace
Symbolized by the dove.
A peace you feel
When love is true.
What ever I do
I do it for you.
You are the muse
For all my writing.
With love and care
My life you are lighting.
I won't make mistakes,
I've made before,
Because it's you
I now adore.
Look at me now
Straight through my eyes.
Now you look past
All of the lies.
For what I say now
Is my personal truth.
You've heard my story
Now this is all my truth.

In a Time of Passing

In a time of passing
When emotions are excited
And the thought of a loss
Have all parties thinking of love
The day has come and gone
The emotions still excited
Calling to the lost friend
In a hopeless plea for past love
A cool breeze passes through
It'll talk hope to all who'll listen
To remind us of past
In memory of the lost one

Life Will Throw Your Curves

Life will throw you curves
As unexpected as the weather
With results that are not good
Or results that bring great pleasure
Like the unexpected pregnancy
That gave you a little brother
Who you've loved
More than any other.
Having someone
Who looks up to you,
Watches how you act
And acts like you do
Or that unexpected illness
That plagues someone dear
But how do I help him
When I know the end is near
Watching him slip away slowly
I'm told there's nothing they can do
I wish there was something
I wish I only knew
The two poles of life
Life's beginning and end
A birth and death
Life's amazing blend.

Monday, June 16, 2008


We all read
About Communism’s fall
A freedom came
With the destruction of the wall
All the stories
Happening worldwide
It seems with these stories
We will never collide
Here is a story
Much closer to home
I am warning you
Watch where you roam
A monster out there
Steps on everything in its path
We watch and observe
Its furious wrath
It has already taken
A little bit of everyone
You get scared
And think with whom you have fun
A bit of magic
Has been taken from us
An untouchable hero
Brought down to reality
It now seems to me
For him we fell pity
The music we love
Now seems more distant
We begin a chant
A chant of sorrow
For Liberace
Life will go on
Just watch me
There’s more to come
It’s all just as bad
Now the feelings we felt
Are all very sad
A bit of fashion
Died with Perry Ellis
His wonderful creations
We shall all miss
If you missed it
The monster is AIDS
Most often passed
When you get laid
It still seems far
I know it’s true
Maybe this’ll help
A story for you
An innocent boy
Living his life
Now he’s learning fast
About the afterlife
A blood transfusion
Caused the fall
He’d have died without it
I now recall
It was Ryan White
Who died from this disease
He kept on living
In life’s mysterious breeze
Soon it might be you
Or someone you know
Know your partner
And with whom you flow

As I Look Back

As I look back
I can see all the good times past
I think of all the good friends
And the memories that’ll last
I remember the bench
And the other hang spots
And we’d always get hassled
By the same exact cops
And then we began
Moving on
But with each good time
There was always one bad
With every celebration
Was always one bad
Like the young man who
Didn't see the end of freshman year
Or another who was forced
To go to his prom in a wheel chair
But now it is time
To begin moving on
And as I move on
I remember one last stop
We would stay there for hours
And never be caught
We would watch the waves roll on in
And then watch them go back out to sea

Friday, June 13, 2008

I Remember the Times

I remember the times
They'd go so quick
Holding each other close
Down by the river's bank
My memories begin to fade
They are forever unclear
They are like my own reflection
In the rippled waters

But I can't take you there
You memory means so much to me
That's why I can't take you there
No I can't take you there
I never want to see you hurt
That's why I can't take you there

Our time spent together
Means so much to me
But it doesn't mean
That I can take you there

Over The Horizon

Over the horizon
Is the dawning light
The sun shines strong
As we say goodbye to night
Its just another day
In this on going story
Each day a little older
With faster coming worries
The grass is green
Flowers have bloomed
All growing toward
Their impending doom
We all know its
Darkest before dawn
But isn't it the most beautiful
Just before everything is gone
The hidden evil
of each and every day
Is covered well
Often hidden away
It moves without warning
Where next will it strike
Maybe it'll make you cry
Maybe even get you a fight

I Was Just a Lonely Man

I was just a lonely man
Walking down a lonely road
Empty heart, empty soul
Till I met you
Waslking down that lonely road
down the end and back again
Just thinking about
The day I met you
Now that day is gone
Where are you know
Cause I still wonder
What happened when I met you
I have to find you

You Were But A Stranger

You were but a stranger
Just a few days ago
A voice in my head
With a face I wanted to know
You seemed so distant
Yet I felt so near
Waiting to meet you
Was a feeling I couldn't bare
But then I met you
I was definitely impressed
Beautiful as you are
I expected nothing less
Your beautiful brown eyes
Your long brown hair
Together we can make
A wonderful pair
You are just right
In all the right places

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why Didn't You Tell Me

Was wondering how
I met you
That Movember evening
In the Courtyard
I needed you
Why didn't you tell me
Our eyes did lock
When we met
Drawing us together
It was
Love at first sight

There You Sit

There you sit
Across the way
I wish I knew how
To let you hear what I've to say
Your shimmering eyes
A majestic shade of brown
Brings a smile to my face
Once cursed with a frown
Your curly brown hair
Shines with the reflection of the sun
Turning every boring day
Into the utmost fun
You told what
Happened months before
Forget about it
You deserve more
Take this from one
Who had a broken heart
Its in your past
But it is still hard to part
Make peace with your heart
Make peace with your mind
So you can
Allow the two to combine

Sometimes Late at Night

Sometimes late at night
I feel a shivering cold
When I think about my feelings for you
Deep within my soul
Deep within my soul
Your beauty and the way you act
Each one has a roll
In creating the way I feel for you
Deep within my soul
Deep within my sould

The Smuggler

The sung goes down
Out over the bay
The ferry docks
Leave much to say
About a young man
Who arrived just the other day
And he was called the smuggler
He walked off the docks
Through the welcome gates
He walked to the bar
To sit and wait
All alone he sat
Waiting for his date
And he was the smuggler
He had a drink
And something to hide
In a big brown box
Down at his side
And along came a woman
For the box at his side
And she took it from the smuggler
His final drink
As the night grew old
The deal was made
The box was sold
Shots break through the air
His body lay cold
And he was the smuggler

You Said You Know Me

You said you know me
But what is your name
You say you want
Things to be the same
As they were before
It seems I know not
Of these times you speak of
Or maybe I just forgot
Though beauty as yours
Would seem hard to forget
I must have though
Because I don't remember it yet
Just give me a hint
Or even just a little clue
Tell me what we've done
Tell me what to do

There's Always a Time

There's always a time
When I just sit around
Thinking about what has been
And what is yet to come

At the diner table
Drinking our evening coffee
Talking about the times
With my friend, no, my brother

He says to take a look around
He knows of my confusion
He says to find what is missing
I must first find where it has gone

He'll always be there
Don't even have to look because I know
He says to live each of your memories
You don't want to depend on the photos

He goes out of his way to help
Just as I have and will do for him
He tells me his times
And I listen, as he did

And I saw, take a look around
At all of our confusion
I say to find what is missing
You must first find where it has gone

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I Never Met a Man

I never met a man so ignorant
I couldn't learn from him
Galileo's Head was on the block
And while I stood on MY block,
I wished for that man to listen.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Beelzebub's got a hold on me
Beelzebub's got a strong hold on me
Making me do
Things I'm not used to
Take a sip of this
Do a drop of that
Once I give in
There's no way back
Beelzebub's got a hold on you
Beelzebub's got a strong hold on you
Making you be
Who you don't want to be
This is the trip
You've been looking for
Take another sip
Take another drop
You walk into a room
The door slams shut behind you
The room is empty
And the walls are closing in
Choose a way out
You can follow Beelzebub
And his empty promises
Or you can break the hold
And set yourself free
Be the person
You always wanted to be
The decision is yours
Whichever you make
Just look around
And see all who can't break
The hold he has
That caused their falls
Its time to escape
Through the Crack in his wall
You can break the hold
If you really want to
You can break the hold
If you truly try to


My best friend
My favorite ex
I watch the ship
Leaving the docks
I wonder what
Could have happened
Sitting there watching
It all end
My true feelings
For her never die
But the chips fall
And stay where the lie

Friday, May 30, 2008

Every Night

Every night
We walk the streets together
Take care of our needs
Give the dog a bone
Every night
Same as the last
Now maybe its time
To walk the streets alone
A match made in heaven
Yeah that's what they told us
We believed them all
Didn't you know it was foolish
So when the sun comes up tomorrow
Don't you know I'll be gone
Now it's time for me
To walk the streets alone
What could they saw
If they could see us now

Hey Sweetheart

Hey sweetheart
You think your so hot
To good for any man
Well let me tell you
Here's the plan
Hey sweetheart
I watch you
Turn down those guys
Your turn and walk
With a bat of your eyes
Hey sweetheart
Your not so hot
But I want you just the same
You ways'll change
Your gonna play my game
Hey sweetheart
I'm gonna show you
You're not the best
Look around the world
Look at all the rest
Hey sweetheart
I'm gonna have my fun
Then be rid of you
Like you did yourself
So you know what its like to.

Brave Souls

Early in the morning.
Five AM exactly.
A time I did not know,
Now occurs all every day
The crust in the corner
of my eyes. The weakness
in everyone of my bones.
I can't move a muscle.
I drag myself out of
bed. Why am I doing
This? I need more sleep. I
struggle to pull on my
shorts and sweats. I must be
very quiet. I don't want to wake my roommate.
It is still dark outside
as I start my car's engine.
That radio blasts. The
noise wakes me. I put the
car into reverse, then
drive. I go to the field
house and join me fellow
brave souls on the crew team.
We wait for our coach in
the freezing cold. We car-
pool to Coventry
Lake and meet in the boat
house. Coach picks a leader
to guide us through warm up.
It isn't much later than
five thirty and I am
wide awake. Why? Why do
I do this to myself?
Positions are assigned.
Port rig, seat number five.
Here I'm just a number
The coxswain commands us,
"Hands on the Devlin. Lift
and low over head now.
Now walk her out. Wain off.
Turn and down to the shoulders.
Now walk her to the beach."
The freezing cold makes my
naked legs petrified.
The rocks pound into the
souls of my bare feet with
the weight of the Devlin.
The eight members of the
Devlin crew walk her down
into the water. Again
the coxswain commands "Roll
to waist and roll, starboards,
one foot on the strip and
in. Ports, one foot on the
strip and in. Stroke one foot
on the strip and in. Bow
push off and in. Stroke and
two, a few strokes to get
us out and go. Now lets
all tie in and count off.
Stroke, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, bow." Now we all
join in and row through the
fog. The sun begins to
rise. The fog begins to
lift. The familiar
scent of a steam room
fills the brisk morning air.
The cold air and water
make my bones shiver and
shake. Why am I doing
this? We are rowing at
a full slide and at full
power. Adrenaline
flow through my every vein.
Wind in my hair. The boats
move through the fog like ghost
ships of ancient lore. The
sun breaks the horizon
and the sky turns blue. The
visions of life are now
unearthed. The shore seems so
distant, yet I still feel so
close. I feel so secure.
This is what I have been
searching for. The light of
the sun giving life to
the world all around us.
The meaning of life? Sun
rise on Coventry Lake.

You Wake Up

You wake up in the morning
Always the same old story
Drifting through life
Living in it's glory
It time to grow up
Take control of your life
It's time for you to do
What you know is right
Because you're on
The highway to nowhere
No off ramp in sight
Wasting your life
What gives you the right
To throw away your future
For just another night
Now as the
Day gets long
So seem the roads
You've traveled upon
When will you realize
The mistakes you made
You must change things
Before your life fades
Because you're on
The highway to nowhere
No off ramp in sight
Wasting your life
What gives you the right
To throw away your future
For just another night on
The highway to nowhere
No exits in view
It just gets longer
Don't know what to do
As you go on with your party
And throwing away your life.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Love You

I love you
But it hurts me
To see you lay there
Your mind going free
The past we never had
The future that'll never be
It hurts to watch
Your soul set free
Will I ever see you again
On a plain much higher
When I've moved on
way from the burning fire
Will I see you happy
Or will you be uptight
For what you had done
For what wasn't right
The way you treated
Your loved ones
But that is past
It's over and done
It's not forgiven
What I say is true
But it doesn't change
My love for you
There's a hole in my heart
That should not have been empty
It should be filled with comfort
For what is yet to be
Why, why did this happen
I wish I only knew
I wish I could help
I wish there was something to do
A chilly feeling
Sweeps through my body
Like I made a mistake
Or did something naughty
This cold fills
That open spot
Deep in my heart
But I love you a lot
I will always miss
What was and was not
But always remember
How I love you lots

Let's Go Out and Party

Let's go out and party
With a few friends
Let's go out and party
Until this day ends
We can chill at my house
We can put down a few
We can watch the TV
If there's nothing to do
We'll crack a few beers
We can get drunk
Put on some rock roll music
Turn off that funk
We'll all take a hit
Off that big ass bone
We'll breathe in the smoke
we'll all get stoned
We'll all get fucked
By the end of the day
We'll all be fucked
With nothing left to say

Our Sound

Our sound rolling in
For you all to hear
We're back to rock roll music
You have nothing to fear
Time have changed
but the beats still the same
Lets get away
Lets get back to the original game
The game of love
For what we do
Not for money
But what is true
Our sound isn't really new
You've heard it before
You heard it for the first time
Now we're back for more
The time has come
For the revival of a sound
A sound thought lost
Until recently found
Listen if you like
Just don't pass us by
Sing along, don't let
Rock and Roll die.


The sun shines strong
Over fields of snow.
School is closed.
Kids have nowhere to go.
Building snow forts,
Making snow balls,
Throwing them at each other,
Trying to break down the walls.
Making a snowman,
All help put it together.
It begins to melt
Because of warmer weather.
The snow melts and spring tolls on it
Animals start to move,
The rains now begin.
Washing away the snow,
Revitalizing the earth,
The rebirth of a cycle,
For all that its worth.
Flowers start to bloom.
The grass begins to grow.
Summer is coming
And everyone knows.
Swimming and sailing
Water skiing too.
Summer's end draws near,
With so much to do.
The leaves start changing.
Fall is near.
It's time to get ready.
Soon it'll be here.
Fall is here and gone
As fast as any other,
With winter following
The final brother.
The completion of a cycle
All four seasons done.
Then end of the year
The next has just begun.

150 Miles

150 Miles
On the open road
Lord take me back to
Back to my hometown
And the country roads
That take me to you
Oh lord take me back down
Down to my home town
The changing leaves
Yeah and that summer breeze
Every time I leave the shore
Keeps me coming back for more
And when I've got to leave
Oh makes me feel so blue
Yes I be longing for
The road that takes be back to you
My hometown
Now even though
All my friends have left
Just like me got jobs in the big city
There is still plenty left


I was sitting in my class
Minding my own business
When I got the look,
The look of death from the Sorceress.
Look at me sitting here!
Just my luck!
Wouldn't you know it!
I'm a sitting duck!
You know what I am talking 'bout!
That god ugly witch!
That teacher we all hate!
Ain't life a bitch!
I know you're not trying
Cause neither am I.
But if we don't get started
You know we'll fry.
Now listen up
It's time to crack down.
Get ready for college
Move out of this town.
Looking for a college
With the right pitch.
But, all you can find
Is the eternal itch.
All this pressure
About making the right decision.
Headlines 'bout who didn't
Flashing across the television.
So many decisions
Facing us teens,
Things are as easy
As they were for James Dean.
Rebel without a cause
He was back then.
Now it's rebel without a clue
Not knowing where or when.
But this is no joke.
Get your ass in gear!
Send your college applications in
And get off your rear.
All these colleges,
Which one to choose.
Time to get going!
There's no time to snooze!
If you are tired,
Don't be a fool!
Sleep at home
And don't sleep in school!
When in class
You should try and study,
So when it comes to test
Your grades aren't cruddy!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I am the poet.
Life's experience my muse.
What does it all mean?
I really haven't a clue.
In one ear
And out the other,
Go those many facts,
Told by my father and mother.
Going to and fro,
From this and that,
Just like a mouse
Being chased by a cat.
Life is a maze
With many a dangerous turn.
Pick the wrong one
and there will be lessons to learn....
Like falling steadily
into the depths of depressions.
I don't know what's up.
But I have a confession.
Life will pass you by.
And, it is what you make it.
Love is a part of life,
Something we all feel.
But, what I want to know is,
Is it always real?
All I feel now
Is emptiness and pain.
You care about people.
Then all love is slain.
This is life for me.....
Pen, paper and a few thoughts.
But putting it together
Not as easy as dot-to-dots.


Try to imagine
If you please,
The mess we are in
With all our disease.
People on the streets
With old clothes on their backs,
Try to find safe places
To hide from attacks.
Make a donation,
Show you care,
Help fight poverty,
If you dare.
Clouds of gases
All that pollution.
Times are changing.
We need a solution.
Carbon Monoxide
In our air.
Do you think
This is very fair?
Imagine a world
Living as one,
No need for war
Just getting things done.
Time of war,
We have overcome
The time for peace
Has just begun.
Children playing,
Riding their bikes,
Climbing mountains,
Going on hikes.
Dropping the bomb....
Can't be much fun.
When the time comes,
There's nowhere to run.
Soldiers heading out,
Using all their might,
To refrain from showing
They are full of fright.
Scared to death
Of tomorrow's dawn
And what will remain
After the bomb.
Soldiers fearing
They may not survive,
Trying to keep
Their hopes alive.
From U.S. to Iraq,
From Taiwan to France,
Let the world breathe,
And give peace a chance.

Yes I Heard the Stories

Yes I heard the stories
No that's not how it happened
Shoot man, I was there you know
Those are lies they are passing
Yes I may have been drunk
Even a little foggy
But I know what I did
I wasn't that groggy
Why do they say what they say
This is my life they are talking about
Why do they lie today
This is my life they are lying about
And why do you believe them
I say believe me, don't believe anybody

So Insightful

So insightful
You see through me
Down to the core
Never call me a bore
You come to me
With day so long
Old friend
Shotgun end
Shit he was so young
Didn't even know him
We never met
But I still regret
No Zen for life
Life not lived
Days robbed
Friends sob
Fuck, Shotgun blast
You stupid fuck
Open your eyes
Fuck your stupid disguise
If I only had the chance
To help find the way
Another lost soul
Whose life never unfolded

As I Left the House

As I left the house
I drove down a deserted road
But the drive seems slower than normal
Time has seemed to slow down
Driving down the road
The fog lay down thick
And every passing car
With lights glaring from its front end
Takes me farther and farther from my driven course
The fog follow the car
It seems the fog moves through the window
And directly into my eyes
As I turn the corner
Odd things are pulling my attention
I drive down the street
Not blinking an eye
Driving slowly down the street
Pull up the driveway
And walk to the door
I turn my key
And walk in
I turn down the hall
The hall seems longer
The hall seems darker
The hall seems louder
The hall seems louder
I walk through the door
The end of the _______
I step in
I fall


You are the one and only
True brown eyed girl
With a beautiful smile
Teethe white as a pearl
Whenever I've a problem
You've had a solution
No I have to say
I've come to a conclusion
It's you I'd like to know
I wish you felt the same
I really care for you Vick
Let's stop this silly game
I'm glad I got to know you
You know I would not lie
Why do you like me
I constantly ask why
This poem I wrote
Is all for you
You've got my heart
Yes it is true

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Vision

The rain falls hard,
A day of gloom.
That low down feeling
A feeling of gloom.

But all of a sudden
The rain stops.
Creatures poke their heads out
As the last rain drops.
Over the horizon
A vision of hope,
The sun shines strong.
Away float the clouds.
Nature has lifted,
It's gloomy shourds
We all enjoy
This beautfiul day.
A vision of hope
No more skies of grey.


Time goes by.
It seems to fly.
But nobody knows
where it goes.
Report cards today.
One quarter past.
Two months of school.
It went by so fast.
Sitting in class,
of in a daze.
Staring out the window,
Reality in a haze.
On the river of life
I'm trying to row
A fork in the river
Which way to go?
Off in the distance,
I hear my name.
I must get back.
For life isn't a game.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

She's my girl

She came from a little
New England suburb,
Not to far from the city
Her summer spent with friends
Nothing but good times
And that is when she met me
A shocking summer journey,
Driving in her Cherokee.
They say she’s my trophy,
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.
I saw her walk in
And thought nothing off it
With the stereo
Playing Jimmy Buffet.
My roommate’s guest
Was being neglected
He wasn’t pursuing
She wasn’t effected
I entertained her
I talked and got to know her
He says she’s my trophy
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.
Beauty as pure
As the freshly fallen snow
A sweet girl
She kept things between us slow
Guys like me
Don’t get girls like her
Nice guys get
Left behind in the blur
They say she’s my trophy
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.
Now she’s gone,
I’m here without her
She’s staying in Boulder
Thinking about her
Dealing with lost love
Life is a little colder
Memories grace my thought
Her love my heart
She will always remain my
Only sweetheart
They say she’s my trophy
But all I can say
Is that, is that
She’s my girl.

Love is that

Love is that
Which makes long hours seem short
And when out
There is no questioning your escort
Summer romances
Make the days fly by
Summer romancing
Makes us feel alive
The more you have to get back
The more you want to stay
Even if only
For one more day
Summer brings long days
And with them longer nights
To spend with the loved one
And do your best to delight
With less pleasure time
The days seem brief
When you leave it all
For summers last eve


Over the horizon
The sun begins to set
The waves of the ocean
Leave all the shores wet
The spectacular fire ball
Illuminates the sky
With many spectacular colors.
We look up and say hi
To the moon now coming
'Tis on its way
We walk along the beach
On an eve in May
The waves fall steadily
Upon the shore
I could listen
Forever more
To the rhythmic crash
Of every wave
Splashing over boulders
Spraying into caves
Walking the beach
Sand sifting through my toes
Gazing out into the sea
Watching it as it goes
Through its continuous cycles,
That's been watched by every girl and boy
A place we can go relax
The one place we all can enjoy

Late One Night

Late one night
I gazed upon a man
A man of no clothes
And all he could say was
Help me
Please help me
I invited his problem
But he just searched
For his own answer
And all he could say was
Help me
Please help me


Down a moonlit path
Along a deserted beach
With waves crashing the shore
Fresh smell of the sea
Fills the air
Hand in Hand
Down the moonlit path
With someone you love
Truly a beautiful sight to see
Walking down
This moonlit path

I Just Want to Drive

I just want to drive
I need to hit the road
It's the place to be
'least that is what I'm told
Five thirty alarm went off
Shit didn't need to wake before six
Grab my towel, hit the shower
Get to the kitchen for a fix
Workin' all day
Trying to ma an honest living
All my extra hours
This ain't no way to be livin;
I just want to drive
I need to hit the road
It's no place to be
'least that's what I'm told
After work I head home
In and out before I know
Spinning tunes at bars
Trying to make my wad grow.

See Man Stand

See man stand
As you continue to fall
You need strength
To break down the walls
That surround your feelings
Let them be known
Let them out
Let them be shown

Let Me Tell You Now

Let me tell you now
This ain't the end.
Listen to me
I'm trying to be a friend.
Listen now
I know what I hear
When you need that job
There's nothing there!
Go to college!
Try to get smart!
When job time comes
You'll have a head start!
Looking for a major
Knowing not what to pick.
You still have time
Don't move to quick!

Click Flash

Click flash
Ok now step to the right
Lift your head... Good
Now flip your hair
Click flash
Now step into the fountain
Smile, have fun
Click flash
You, you climb up and join her
Splash each other,
Have fun
Click flash

If You Listen Now

If you listen now
You might hear
Thousands of lost souls scream
Its more than I can bare

We must learn to remember

We must mourn their souls forever

A New Life

Back to the scene of the Accident,
The morning after it happened
Realizing how lucky I was,
Not meeting my end.
Chills in my body
When I got closest.
I remember the hospital,
Waiting for the diagnosis.
A friend got hurt,
But she's OK now.
She got the worst of it.
I got a scratch on my eyebrow.
We are still fiends now,
And no one was hurt bad
I have a live to live,
And for this I am glad.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Meagan 2

When I look in your eyes
I know what I see
beautiful lady
Standing right next to me
Your shimmering eyes
A wonderful blue
They are definitely
Most fitting of you
Your gorgeous blond hair
Your wonderful smile
Would you mind
If I stare a while?
On the river of love
I now row
A fork in the river
Which way to go
I hope I've picked
The right way
I'll only know
By the things you say
Tell me how you feel
Just as I am telling you
Is it really love
Is the chemistry true


I sit here and wonder
What are you like?
Do you like to go walking,
Or go ride a bike?
Your face is so pretty
Your personality is so right.
To stop myself from complimenting you
Is a battle I can't fight.
In the form of a poem
I say what I must,
Any other form
Would be unjust.
I don't know why I'm saying this,
Telling you how I feel.
Spilling my insides
Letting down my peel.
You can do with this
As you may please.
But you should know
This flows with great ease.
My true feelings
You now know.
I've said what I've said
So I will let you go.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fellow Poet

I am writing this poem
For a talented poet
With a beautiful face
For those who don't know it
I love the rythym
I find in your writing
A space in my heart
Your poems are opening
Sometimes you look
For familiar faces
In this world
Of unfamiliar places
A fellow poet
Who writes of life's extremes
You should continue writing
As I will continue too
Because people like you
are so far and few


You look around
For familiar faces
In this world
Of unfamiliar places
We talk about equality
and joining the races
It hasn't started
All we see are traces
What we need now
Is a definite basis
Lets get it started
Stop the cat and mouse chases
Like you are playing cards
And hiding the aces
Look at each other
You are all disgraces
Love thy neighbor
Don't have two faces
It's time to care
And throw out these cases
Love each other
Regardless of color, religion, or birth places

Let's End the Ignorance

Let's end the ignorance
Man fighting man
Because of the color of his skin
Man fighting man
Because of his religion
Let's end the ignorance
Destroying the government
With Watergate and the Iran Contra Scandal
Destroying the government
by electing people like Dan Quayle
Let's end the ignorance
Countries fighting countries
Destroying our peace
Countries fighting countries
stop the fighting at least
Let's end the ignorance
Let's open our mind
To new ideas
Let's open our mind
To new cultures
Let's end the ignorance
Let us learn
To understand each other
Let us learn
To live together as brother and sister

His Death Was Expected

His death was expected
No way to avoid it
His end came quickly
He was lucky not to feel it
I try to cry
But it won't come out
I feel upset but
It doesn't help to pour
I realize I did
All I could have done
His soul and the earth
have now become one
I was with him though
Up until the end
I did all I could but
My life won't bend
I must move on
And so must us all
We must keep living
And try not to fall

Pull Back the Cover

Pull back the cover
Turning past the editor's words,
To Page one.
I being to read,
Enigmatic words.
My eyes blur a words come out and
Pull me in.
Deep into the text
I am being drawn.
Fight after fight; kiss after kiss,
The tale ends.
Free to imagine...

We've Known Each Other

We've know each other
For such a long time
You've always stayed close
Through good times and bad
You've been the bright light
At the end of my dark tunnel
Yes you've always been there
With open arms
And I feel it
Do you feel it
The raging flame
Whenever where together
The love burning in our hearts
Love only for each other

Come Fly with Me

Come fly with me
Away from the dark
Let me take you away from it
Lets strike the spark
To kindle the flame
Deep within your soul
The flame that keeps you going
Long enough to fulfill your goals
Let us flow on through
What we feel deep within
Let us fly off and away
In a great zeppelin
To a land of peace
Both of mind and heart
You and the good feelings
Should never have to part
Let us stay here
In this Garden of Eden
Why should we leave
There is no reason
Come fly with me
Away from the dark
Let me take you away from it
Let me strike the spark
To kindle the flame
Deep within your soul
The flame that keeps you going
Long enough to fulfill your goals
Through bad times
That you never dreamed would stop
But you've learned to carry on
With each and every rain drop
Like with the untimely passing
Of a dearly loved one
Or a love
Who decided to run
What can I say except
Live life the way you see fit
Fulfill each dream
Each and every little bit

Time, the Only True Mystery

Time, the only true mystery
Where it goes
And where it came from
We'll never know
Childhood memories
Of days long ago
Our past days
Where do we go

The Naked Eye

The morning
Perched high up in the tree
Sings it's song
Putting life into me
Feeding the earth
With warmth and love
The sun rises slowly
Blue skies above
Dew moistened grass
Covers the earth
Reflecting the sun
At this morning's birth
The day moves along
No slower than it came
The day gets dimmer
As down goes its flame
The sun now rests
Just above the horizon
The painting in the sky
To be seen by all men
All thosde spectacular colors
Illuminate the sky
That you only see at sunset
Through the naked eye

See the Slave Boy

See the slave boy,
Shackled to the wall.
his heart racing
Like untamed horses.
You crack your whip,
Down over his back.
Back in the day,
In the days when he was young.
Back in the day,
He'd run up no mans hill,
Wind blowing through his hair,
Someones calling,
But he don't care.
Back in the day.
See the slave boy,
Break free from the shackles.
With a chance to run,
He stops and turns
Back to his master
His heart still prisoner.
Back in the day,
In the days when I was young.
Back in the day,
I'd run up no mans hill.
Wind blowing through my hair.
Someones calling,
But I don't care.
Back in the day.

In a Time of Passing

In a time of passing
When emotions are excited
And the thought of a loss
Have all parties thinking of love


Death is something
We are never ready for
Some look for an escape
Using death as the door
You know suicide
Is not the way
You never considered
The people who pay
The close and dear
The friends who are true
Who fret and cry
And never forget you


When I look in your eyes,
I know not what I see.
Wondering what you're really like,
Wondering if you'll walk with me.
Your beautiful hair,
Your wonderful smile,
Would you mind
If I stare a while?
Your dancing eyes
A beautiful blue;
What are you truly like?
I wish I knew.
Your golden blonde hair
so smooth and nice,
I'll say the wrong thing,
Then I'll pay the price.
I look at my life;
It's all a collage.
Are you real,
or just a mirage?
Don't know what I'd do
If you were mine.
If I were yours
Our souls could combine.

But Why?

April 12th
a day we will not soon forget.
We have all been victimized
by today's tragedy.
As the rain drops on the fields
so do the tears in the halls.
For a young man
who is struggling to survive.
In this town
"everything is perfect."
But if all was perfect
how could this happen?
How could five students
come into our school
with knives and bats
and not be stopped?
A young man, a child
was severely wounded,
stabbed in the stomach.
But why?
An hour and a half has past
and we still hear the screams
friends are just learning what happened
on the day we will not soon forget.

Beautiful Day

I gaze out the window
'tis a beautiful day
The sunshines on
In a wonderful way
I continue to stare
Off in a daze
Can't stop thinking about
All the past days
Both good and bad
Short and long
The clock strikes 12
The bells go dong
Although this day
Has been top notch
It'll only get better
Just you watch
Ever have a day
When all is right
You move through the day
Without a fight


Certain parts of life
Become blurred,
Just as ones own reflection
In rippled water.

In the Eyes of Those Who Cannot See

In the eyes of those
who cannot see,
everything around
might seem the same.
But for those who refuse
to open their eyes,
they lose so much of life
and the world remains dark.
For those who are brave hearted,
and dream to look around,
there is still so much to see
in the forgotten world.
The love and the pain
of life every day.
The sights are blessings
both good and bad,
for those who are brave
with open eyes.


Raise the jib
Raise the main
Let's sail out
Into the sea terrain
I begin to sail
At a slow steady pace
Waiting for a horn
To start this race
I pick up speed
Catching the wind
A steady breeze
And in second I'm pinned
But all of a sudden
A strong blowing gust
I move faster now
My sails I now adjust
I move into first
And cross the line
A superior sailor
Victory is mine.


Studying my lines
Looking for an Edge.
I make a mistake
And step over the ledge.
Blocking each scene,
Reciting each line.
When we do something wrong,
The director will whine.
A company of actors
Working as one,
Studying a play,
Trying to have fun.
The final week
Has drawn near.
Before we know it
Opening night is here.
Out on stage
Doing as we prepared.
How well are we doing?
All were scared.
The show is over,
A job well done.
The final victor,
Has just been won.

Our path to self discovery

OK, so I have sent an email out to a bunch of you already let you know what I am doing here... moving in with Jane, I realized that there are tons of poems I have written over the years between 8th grade and my early twenties that I have always said I would publish somewhere. Many of these were written as I was discovering new aspects of life. For better or worse, this was my creative writing over a period of ten years or so. In retrospect, some of it was pretty insightful, while others were just downright cheesy, while I know I am setting myself up for a mock or tow... I am OK with that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy what you see here.